The FreeBSD Diary

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Brief items of interest are usually posted in the Forum, so please check there for important notes.
18-Apr latest changes ready for testing
16-Apr Massive website changes
7-Apr Using smtp from remote locations
6-Apr My travels with a computer
2-Apr It's all true!
1-Apr The Linux Diary
30-Mar qpopper with APOP
28-Mar installing bind8 from ports
28-Mar IRC Hints
27-Mar Customizing Console Fonts
25-Mar Introduction to C++ API for mySQL
19-Mar FrontPage 2000 - installing the extensions
13-Mar new ipfilter option is really cool!
10-Mar Creating an NTP server with a cheap clock
2-Mar BSDSearch spam followup
28-Feb Which BSD site is sending out spam?
27-Feb NFS Portmap: RPC: Program not registered - a solution
22-Feb FreeBSD 4.3-RELEASE schedule
19-Feb Job search
16-Feb Accessing a cvs repository
10-Feb NIC blows up
6-Feb Build world on your fast box, install on your slow box
1-Feb Diary update
31-Jan Samba authentication through PAM with MySQL
6-Jan Setting up an encrypted file system
5-Jan Setting up Spam Bouncer
31-Dec cdrecord - writing multiple sessions
29-Dec XEON gets a new cable which should improve disk speed
28-Dec What do you think are the top 10 articles?
27-Dec IPSEC
26-Dec PostgreSQL and Perl
24-Dec Adding procedural language support to PostgreSQL
23-Dec Setting up FreeBSD as an NIS client
22-Dec Two more cat pictures
20-Dec More dual XEON pics
17-Dec Creating your own cvsupd server
15-Dec rsync - synchronizing two file trees
14-Dec cdrecord - writing your own CDs
13-Dec The XEON lives!
8-Dec procmail - a simple example
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