
(PHP 4 CVS only)

mb_convert_variables -- Convert character code in variable(s)


string mb_convert_variables (string to-encoding, mixed from-encoding, mixed vars)

mb_convert_variables() convert character encoding of variables vars in encoding from-encoding to encoding to-encoding. It returns character encoding before conversion for success, FALSE for failure.

It from-encoding is specified by array or comma separated string, it tries to detect encoding from from-coding. When encoding is omitted, detect_order is used.

vars (3rd and larger) is reference to variable to be converted. String, Array and Object are accepted.

P°φklad 1. mb_convert_variables() example

/* Convert variables $post1, $post2 to internal encoding */
$interenc = mb_internal_encoding();
$inputenc = mb_convert_variables($interenc, "ASCII,UTF-8,SJIS-win", $post1, $post2);