
(PHP 4 CVS only)

dbx_error --  Report the error message of the latest function call in the module (not just in the connection)


string dbx_error (dbx_link_object link_identifier)

Returns a string containing the error-message from the last function call of the module (e.g. mysql-module). If there are multiple connections on the same module, just the last error is given. If there are connections on different modules, the latest error is returned for the specified module (specified by the link parameter, that is). Note that the ODBC-module doesn't support an error_reporting function at the moment.

P°φklad 1. dbx_error() example

$link = dbx_connect ("mysql", "localhost", "db", "username", "password")
    or die ("Could not connect");
$result = dbx_query ($link, "select id from nonexistingtbl");
if ($result==0) {
    echo dbx_error ($link);
dbx_close ($link);

Poznßmka: Always refer to the module-specific documentation as well.

The error-message for Microsoft SQL Server is actually the result of the mssql_get_last_message() function.