
Je to stealth boot vφrus. Pri pokuse o zavedenie systΘmu z infikovanej diskety sa vφrus inÜtaluje do pamΣte a napadne MBR hard disku. Napßda vÜetky diskety, ktorΘ nie s· chrßnenΘ proti zßpisu. V zßvislosti od vn·tornΘho poΦφtadla ma₧e sektory na disku. V tele vφrusu s· nasleduj·ce retazce :

Frankenstein's Magic v1.00a (C) Copyright 1992, Megatrends 2000 Corp. The Johan family ---- HISTORY ---I born at 11 October 1992 - 7 pm o'clock. My mission is make all Diskette DESTROY if my 3 Counter same. My name is Frankenstein's Magic v1.00a my Copyright is (C) Copyright 1992, Megatrends 2000 Corp. The Johan family is my best family. WARNING : I will DESTROY you disk if touch me!!! if you want my listing, please write you name in MikroData this change only three times. I protect you HardDisk from Illegal hand and I count my children, Good bye.