ZOOM ver. 3.0 - 32 bit Description: "Zoom" is a program that allows the user to continuously see in a window parts of the screen which the mouse moves on in customisable magnified size; it also provides a facility to capture and resize those parts.  Requirements: - a Mouse - Operating System "Windows '95","Windows '98","Windows NT", (not tested "Windows 2000") - free domain files Comdlg32.ocx and Vb40032.dll being present in the Windows\System folder (if you don't have them, you can download them from this page or they can be easily found on the Web) - 140 Kb of space Installation: copy the folowing 5 files -Zoom.exe, -Zoom.hlp, -UnZoom.exe, -Readme.txt, -File_id.diz in the same folder, previously created. Uninstallatiom: execute the UnZoom.exe file For updates, please visit the site: http://digilander.iol.it/important/zoom/index.html For comments or suggestions, please contact the author: tassoposta@libero.it Versions: - 1.0 : testing version - 2.0 : "Beta" - 2.5 : first public release - 3.0 : extended the compatibility with different Resolutions and Colors ===== NOTE: ===== Zoom can be freely used and distributed. Modification and the commercialization are prohibited where not otherwise specified. The author is not responsible for any program malfunctions or damage to the Operating system (that however had never occurred during testing phase). 09/16/2000