PC Door Guard v : README ================================= Please read this file carefully (especially "Installation" chapter) before installing the program to your computer. Contents -------- Distribution status Program information Company information Description Installation Registration Copyright and license Technical support Ombudsman statement =================== Distribution Status =================== If you are using PC Door Guard on an evaluation basis you may make copies of the evaluation PC Door Guard as you wish; give exact copies of the original evaluation PC Door Guard to anyone; and distribute the evaluation PC Door Guard in its unmodified form via electronic means (Internet, BBS's, Shareware distribution libraries, CD-ROMs, etc.). You may not charge any fee for the copy or use of the evaluation PC Door Guard itself, but you may charge a distribution fee that is reasonably related to any cost you incur distributing the evaluation PC Door Guard (e.g. packaging). You must not represent in any way that you are selling the PC Door Guard itself. Your distribution of the evaluation PC Door Guard will not entitle you to any compensation from Astonsoft. You must distribute a copy of this EULA with any copy of the PC Door Guard and anyone to whom you distribute the PC Door Guard is subject to this EULA. =================== Program information =================== Program Archive Name: pdg.exe Program Name: PC Door Guard Program Version: 2.8 Program Release Date: 08.02.2001 Program Description: Powerful anti-trojan tool, with data for over 2,500 trojan horses, featuring advanced trojan delete utility. Target OS: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 Software type: Shareware ($29.95) Company information ------------------- Company Name: Astonsoft Ltd Contact E-mail Address: maxim@astonsoft.com Contact WWW URL: http://www.astonsoft.com/ Contact Postal Address: Mahtra 42-21 Tallinn 13812 Estonia =========== Description =========== A very extensive and thorough intrusion scanner that scans any media on your PC for backdoors and trojan horses. This is not an anti-virus, rather, its main purpose is to fight trojan horses, which can not reliably be detected by anti-viruses. Designed to work alongside any anti-virus to complement each other. Also allows you to perform tasks relating to your PC's wellbeing such as regedit, system reports, and it allows you to see any application (hidden or otherwise) that is operating. While online updates keep PC Door Guard up to date, the built-in heuristic analyzer in most cases can detect a Trojan without using any virus database. The Monitor utility constantly verifies the files you download, get via ICQ, or receive by e-mail; the Executor checks any file before it is executed; and the Scanner provides you with a trojan and virus search engine so that stealth, phantom, and worm viruses and trojansdo not get away. The Cure module enables you to delete any discovered viruses, even if they are hiding behind Windows processes. PC Door Guard does not intercept system resources, thus allowing you to use it with any other anti-virus application for maximum protection. Its comprehensive database includes data for over 2,100 Trojan horses. ============ Installation ============ Important! If you've got PDG not from our web page, but from the other source (magazine CD or some software library), please visit our home page - you'll probably find the later version; usually, we release the updates about twice a month. To install PDG, just run the "pdg10.exe" and follow the instructions. You'll need to select the target directory and the components to install. ============ Registration ============ See "order.txt" file. ===================== Copyright and license ===================== See "license.txt" file. ================= Technical support ================= Before you contact us, please do the following: - Be sure that you're doing everything right. We all make mistakes sometimes... Be attentive. - Look at the Help file: it may already contain an answer to your question. A lot of people ask us something like "how do I:", though the complete information is there. - Visit PDG home page in the Internet at http://www.astonsoft.com/. It's a good chance that you'll find the newer version of PDG there. If the serious bug has been found in the program, but the new version is not ready yet, we make the hot fix for it. But if you still have a problem with PDG and nothing else helps, please contact technical support at: support@astonsoft.com If you have any comments or suggestions for the next releases, please don't hesitate to post them to us.