PC Door Guard: how to order ======================================= You can register your copy of PDG at a cost of $29.95. Select one of the following ways: 1. Through the World Wide Web. This is the fastest and easiest way. The ordering page is on a secure server, ensuring that your confidential information remainsconfidential. For details on ordering PDG through the Web, please go to the PDG page at: http://www.astonsoft.com/registration.html There you can choose among several registration services. Or, you can go directly to the order page at RegNow, our main registrator: https://www.regnow.com/softsell/nph-softsell.cgi?item=2304-1 Or,if you prefer ShareIt: https://secure.element5.com/shareit/checkout.html?productid=135627 2. If you don't have convenient Web access, the next best way to order PDG is by fax (also using the credit card) or phone (toll-free). In addition, you can send us the check (American Express Traveller's cheques and Eurocheques are preferred); money orders are also accepted. The order form template, fax & phone numbers and mailing address are in the file "order.frm". 3. You can also use the wire transfer to our bank account (contact us for more details). On payment approval (in case of payment by credit car- several minutes), we'll send you the registration key which will remove all limitations of unregistered version such as time trial and nag screens. Your registration will be valid for all future 1.xxx versions of PDG. If you will not get your registration key within a reasonable amount of time (three business days for credit card payments or two weeks for other payments), please notify us about that! We're very sorry for any inconvenience caused by those delays. Important: when filling the order form, please double-check that your e-mail address is correct. If it will not, we'll be unable to send you the registration code.