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DirectX Graphics for Visual Basic Part 1 by Jack Hoxley
The series begins with an introduction to using DirectX 8 in Visual Basic and created a simple Direct3D application.

Loading JPEGs to DirectDraw Surfaces by Johnny Wood
Sweet Snippets is an ongoing series of to-the-point programming articles, covering very specific topics with source code included. This article covers using Intel's JPEG library to load and work with JPEGs.

Game Programming Genesis Part VIII : Basic Tile Engines by Joseph "Ironblayde" Farrell
Walks through the development of a very basic tile engine with eight-way scrolling, flexible tile animations, and multi-layered maps.

Quadtrees by Jonathan Ferraris
Explains the quadtree data structure and how it helps with scene management, as well as providing a sample implementation.

 Sunday, February 18, 2001
new stuff at 3D tech
3D Tech has posted a new version of the terrain generator, now including the particle deposition algorithm and terrain smoothing. A new tutorial on Maths for Computer Graphics was also posted including interpolation and intersection routines.

 Saturday, February 17, 2001
CornflakeZone.Com Updates
The has recently undergone a number of updates. First off I've released 2 great effects complete with source code.

Twisty Bulge, an old-school 2-D illusion that you'll swear is 3D but it's not.

Texture Blending Demo is an interesting effect created by manipulating texture coordinates. Full source code is included for both projects. Check them out in the Projects section of

In addition we've created part one of an ongoing Math article/FAW which details some of the more common math formula used in games programming. It also describe examples of when you'd use these functions and how to speed them up.

 Friday, February 16, 2001 Adds Surround Sound Mixing and Encoding
Citing the ever increasing demand for movie-like game audio environments, has ramped up it's game audio production services to include surround sound mixing and encoding. is now offering 5.1 audio mixing along with Dolby Digital and DTS encoding for DVD and Playstation 2 cinematic content, as well as pre-encoded background ambience/music for in-game environments. also offers Dolby surround mixing and encoding for systems that do not support multi-channel audio formats. provides original music, sound effects, consultation, and audio post-production services for entertainment software.

Robert Cole
Tel (219) 324-3725
Fax (219) 325-9585

 Thursday, February 15, 2001
Intel Developer Additions
While I'm covering external articles, I need to mention recent additions to Intel's site as well:

Gamasutra Additions
Various additions to Gamasutra's site over the last few weeks:

TimeGate's Kohan lights up Developer's Spotlight
TimeGate's newest title, Kohan: Immortal Sovereign has found a place in the February Spotlight over at Sieger's Post!

Kohan is a new realtime strategy game that has some of the most intriguing RTS features to date. A super storyline mixed with its well balanced gameplay will keep you entertained for days on end. Here's a small quip from the spotlight:

"Many units have more than one attack or ability. Each different action a unit can make has its own animation. This means that when our Archers get in melee combat, they pull out swords and start swinging, rather than continue to shoot their bows at point blank range. The basic difference between Kohan and other RTS titles is the amount of depth in the gameplay. Kohan gives the player many options and different paths to success. Even Kohan's scenarios strive to have more complex goals than "kill everything on the map". This will keep players coming back for more!"

For more info please see the Developer's Spotlight for February.

The Secret To My Engine
I hope not to sound too arrogant, but if you are serious about programming 3D engines - this design structure is one thing you need to look at! Do you have a scene? Did you do particles? No problem drawing models, do animations and even physics makes you sleepy? This peace of code let's you combine all your previous graphics-code, and gets you on your way to building a solid OOP 3D engine. For me - this structure has proven itself time after time. I've also had a lot of positive response from people who are now also using it. I hope it can do the same for you - as it did, does and will do for me!

It all starts with the CObject Class... I've included a small explanation, something on how to use it, and of course the full source code.

You can find it at:

 Wednesday, February 14, 2001
Jobs: AI Programmer

Awesome Games! Awesome Environment! Awesome Company! Awesome Benefits!!!

Terminal Reality needs a full time programmer with AI experience. Familiar with AI concepts and ideas including search techniques, knowledge representation control strategies and advanced problem solving. 2+ yrs professional C/C++ programming and ability to work within existing game code base. Must have designed and programmed AI in at least one published game title, and have an understanding of game production cycle. Visual C++ experience preferred. Visit our Web Site

Get the full details here

 Tuesday, February 13, 2001
Sub Hunter Game Design Document Released
Torn Space has released the original design document for Sub Hunter in the hopes that somebody can learn from it. It's seven pages of sheer Game Design Madness! Get it here.

Full Story

glVelocity Update
glVelocity has been updated with a bunch of fresh updates to the glVelocity Code Archive.

OpenGL Skeletal Animation Tutorial
I have completed a tutorial on skeletal animation using Milkshape 3D models in OpenGL.

It is available from Real Soon Now productions.

 Monday, February 12, 2001
Not a Number and Terraplay in Agreement
Dutch-based Not a Number BV, (NaN), creator of the powerful Blender 3D content creation software, and Swedish Terraplay Systems AB, innovators in the field of network game interfacing have announced a strategic cooperation agreement.

As a result of the cooperation, NaN will integrate the respective technologies to create the core of a new and comprehensive multiplayer gaming solution for Internet, mobile and broadband services

Click full story for more information.

Full Story

Marathon Open Source Marches On
Slashdot mentioned that Bungie spun off the source code to Marathon, a popular first-person 3D shooter, last year under open source and that it was now available in a working form under Linux. The new version of the engine is tagged Aleph One and actually has working versions for several platforms.

All of this begs the question: Which of the various open source 3D engines would be best for building a project? Now that there are a few to pick from, including Quake, Genesis3D, and Aleph One (plus who knows how many I didn't mention), how do their features stack up against each other? And which ones might work better for specific projects like shooters with both indoor and outdoor environments or multiplayer games over the Internet?

 Sunday, February 11, 2001
Level of Detail Demo/Source/Library
Stefan Krause has a nifty little demo on his website. Here's his message to us:

I've put a progressive meshes demo on my website including source code and win32 executables using OpenGL. The demo is released under the LGPL. The demo shows how to load a 3D Studio mesh from a file, create a progressive mesh and display it. It preserves geometry, shading groups and materials including color, transparency, textures and lightmaps. The progressive meshes are created using a quadric error metric in order to create high quality approximations. Rendering of the model is optimized for GeForce graphic cards: The demo uses glArrayRangeNV, if available, to maximize hardware T&L performance. The demo is built on a sample framework that was developed for my game under development, which is going to be released under the LGPL.

If nothing else you have to love the fact that the game he's working on is based on Battlestar Galactica. A truly goofy series but when I think about it, one ideally suited for a episodic game kinda like Crimson Skies. Lots of luck on the game Stefan, I'm looking forward to playing it.

MultiEx Commander plays sounds
Yet another fast update of the multi-game-file extractor. The addition of PLANY.EXE (by Bill Neisius) enables MultiEx Commander to play WAV, VOC, SND, IFF and AU sound files, using the soundblaster environment variable. This makes it easier for the user to listen to extracted sounds from within MultiEx Commander. The whole up to date MC package, complete with setup, can be retrieved from:

 Saturday, February 10, 2001
PortaLib3D Version 0.1.3
I wanted to announce PortaLib3D Version 0.1.3 has been released, which adds improved support and bugfixes for dynamic shadow casting and skeletal animation of models from Milkshape 3D. Linux support is also much improved, and Paul Nettle's memory manager has been added. PortaLib3D is an OpenGL library for games and demos, released under the LGPL.

 Friday, February 09, 2001
OpenFX 1.0
Anil Madhavapeddy sends along word that the commercial modelling, animation, and rendering package formerly known as SoftFX has been GPLed and released as OpenFX. The package includes a full renderer and raytrace engine, NURBS support, kinematics-based animation, morphing, and an extensive plugin API. It's currently only available for Windows, but Linux/BSD ports are in the works. To learn more, visit the OpenFX website.

RigidBody Simulation Tool
Simon Kallweit has released a rigid body simulator. Binaries, source code and a paper are available at

 Thursday, February 08, 2001
Client/Server Game Architecture Under GPL
There's a new client/server architecture for 3D games from a company called Nevrax. They have a .com site that doesn't give a lot of info and a .org site that they keep the GPL'ed source code on (no binaries, uh-huh, make it easy for me to look at your stuff). Anyway, evaluate the hell out of it and let everybody know what you think on the message board.

Job: Junior Programmer @ Cryptic Studios

Cryptic Studios is an independent, fully funded company developing a revolutionary massively multiplayer online game. We are looking to hire a junior programmer. Professional game development experience is *not* required, but strong C or C++ coding ability *is*. We're looking for someone who is itching to show what they can do, someone who can grow into a full-fledged member of a kick-ass development team. Ideally we would like to see an example (that we can run) of your most impressive program. Excellent salary, full benefits, etc.

Get the full details.

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