This document will provide you with information about including Alchemy Mindworks shareware with another product. This document is provide as a guideline only – please contact Alchemy Mindworks for the current state of our policy concerning the distribution of our shareware with commercial products.

Shareware Distributors

If you are creating a shareware disk or CD-ROM, you are invited to include our shareware on it, with our thanks. The requirements for using our shareware in this context are:

  1. Your product must be comprised exclusively of shareware applications – as opposed to, for example, a collection of public domain images.

  2. Your product must include a shareware notice printed prominently on the exterior of its packaging stating that it contains shareware applications which are provided exclusively for evaluation, and which must be paid for separately if your customers find them useful. The notice must embody the following:

    The shareware included with this package is provided for your evaluation. If you try this shareware and find it useful, you are requested to pay its authors, it as discussed in its documentation. The manufacturer of this product has not paid the registration fee for this shareware.

  3. Your product must have a retail price of no more than than the equivalent of $10.00 (US). for shareware distributed on floppy disks and no more than the equivalent of $30.00 (US) for shareware distributed on CD-ROMs.

  4. You must download a current version of Alchemy Mindworks' shareware from our web page at

  5. You may not modify our archive or its contents in any way.

If your product conforms to the foregoing specifications, you may include this shareware application with it – you do not require explicit permission from us to do so.


If you wish to include Alchemy Mindworks shareware on the companion disk or CD-ROM for a book, please see the web page at

Bundling with Commercial Hardware or Software

Alchemy Mindworks does not authorize its shareware to be included with any commercial product not specifically discussed in this document unless you have obtained written permission from us to do so. This includes but is not exclusive to:

  • Pre-installing Alchemy Mindworks shareware on the hard drives of computers.
  • Including Alchemy Mindworks shareware with image collections.
  • Bundling Alchemy Mindworks shareware with peripheral devices or computers.
  • Including Alchemy Mindworks shareware with Internet "starter kits."
  • Giving away Alchemy Mindworks shareware at trade shows or other events.
  • Selling Alchemy Mindworks shareware in retail rack packaging of any sort.
  • Including Alchemy Mindworks shareware with other commercial software.

It has been our experience that when people buy an expensive commercial product, they're inclined to feel that they have paid for whatever is in the box, all disclaimers to the contrary not withstanding. If you wish to include our shareware in a commercial application to enhance its value, we will require compensation for your use of it. A complete royalty schedule is available on request.

Read This

Alchemy Mindworks shareware is distributed in self-installing archives with date stamps. If you attempt to install one of our archives which is more than one year old, it will display a notice to this effect. This will not prevent the software from installing – it will inform users of the product they obtained the software with that they have an old application, and that a newer one can be downloaded from our Internet server.

We are not able to provide versions of our shareware archives without date stamps, or with longer delays.

This document and all the other documentation included with Screen Saver Construction Set is copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Alchemy Mindworks Inc. It may not be reproduced in whole or in part or transmitted in any form save as a component part of the Screen Saver Construction Set software without the explicit written permission of the copyright holder. Unauthorized use of this document or any portion thereof may result in severe criminal and civil penalties. Alchemy Mindworks Inc. accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage or expense caused by your use of the information in this document, however it occurs.