Alchemy Mindworks offers several shareware applications in addition to the one you just installed. We invite you to visit our web page at http://www.mindworkshop.com to download them and try them out. You can order an evaluation CD-ROM which includes shareware copies of all our applications, except as noted, for $10.00. Please see the Order Form for more information.

Graphic Workshop™ Professional

Graphic Workshop Professional is the image management package for Windows 95, 98, 2000 and NT. It features multiple browser windows, batch processing, drag and drop, thumbnails, Pentium-optimized functionality and a lot more. It converts, prints, views, dithers, transforms, captions, flips, rotates, scales, crops, colour-adjusts, scans, quantizes, catalogs and wreaks special effects on ART, AVI, BGA, BMP, CAM, CDR bitmaps and previews, CUT, DCX, DLL, EXE, FIF, FITS, FLC, FLI, FPX FlashPix, GEM/Ventura GIF, HAM, HRZ, ICO, IFF, IMG, JPEG, KDC, KQC, LBM, MacPaint, MIDI (play only), MOV, MPEG view only, MSP, PCD, PCT, PCX, PIC, PICT, PNG, PSD, PSP, RAS, RGB, RGB, RLE, SCR, SFW, SGI, Targa, TIFF, TXT,VBX, WAV (play only), WMF, WPG and XBM picture files. Graphic Workshop Professional requires a Pentium or better processor. A display adapter and Windows screen driver capable of displaying more than 256 colours are recommended. Graphic Workshop Professional costs $40.00 (US) plus $5.00 shipping.

GIF Construction Set™ Professional

GIF Construction Set Professional is the ultimate application for creating animated and transparent GIF files for your web page. It features Animation Wizard to help you create animations in minutes, sophisticated special effects, text banners, LED signs, rotation, block management, AVI conversion, supercompression, an intuitive user interface and a lot more. Its extensive documentation and tutorials will assist even novice users in bypassing the usual learning curve for GIF animation, and get right down to things that flash and move. GIF Construction Set Professional costs $20.00 (US) plus $5.00 shipping.

Screen Saver Construction Set™

Screen Saver Construction Set is a sophisticated platform upon which to build free-standing, distributable multimedia Windows screen savers. It will let you combine graphics, text, sounds and your own custom-written applets. Its extensive documentation and tutorials will assist even novice users in getting right down to things that flash and move. Screen Saver Construction Set for Windows costs $30.00 (US) plus $5.00 shipping.*

PNG/MNG Construction Set™ Professional

The next generation in animation software, PNG/MNG Construction Set Professional will create transparent PNG files and sophisticated MNG animations for your web pages. Freed from the limitations of GIF animation, PNG/MNG Construction Set can create higher-quality graphics in smaller files than was previously possible. It features all the functionality of Alchemy Mindorks' popular GIF Construction Set Professional, including Animation Wizard to help you create animations in minutes, sophisticated special effects, text banners, LED signs, rotation, block management, AVI conversion, supercompression, an intuitive user interface and a lot more. Its extensive documentation and tutorials will assist even novice users in bypassing the usual learning curve for animation, and get right down to things that flash and move. PNG/MNG Construction Set Professional costs $20.00 (US) plus $5.00 shipping.

Note that PNG/MNG Construction Set Professional is in betas as of this writing, and that PNG and MNG support in most web browsers is not completely implemented. Please see our web page for the current status of this software. PNG/MNG Construction Set is not currently included on the Alchemy Mindworks install CD-ROM.

Pagan Daybook™ II

Pagan Daybook II is a Windows calendar which will help you keep track of the festivals and observances of the pagan calendar. It can be configured as both a stand-alone application to greet you when your computer wakes up each morning and as a Windows screen saver. Pagan Daybook II features a greatly expanded database of observances, full colour graphics, sound, animation and various bits of magick. Pagan Daybook II is bookware - the cost of registration is to buy and read Steven William Rimmer's novel Coven.

Calendar Wizard™

Calendar Wizard will create and print calendars. Unlike commercially available dog calendars that never seem to offer the breed you like, Boris calendars that don't seem to be as adventurous as you remember them being in years past and bank calendars which you know full well are only free because the bank wants your money, Calendar Wizard's calendars can be customized to suit your taste and whatever pictures you'd like to look at for the next twelve months. Calendar Wizard Professional is available as both bookware and shareware - the cost of registration is to buy and read Steven William Rimmer's novel Wyccad.

Font Wrangler™

The TrueType font manager that should have come with Windows, Font Wrangler will let you keep track of hundreds of fonts. It will batch install, remove, copy, rename and print fonts. Its font "contact sheet" function is superb for remembering what all those typefaces look like. Font Wrangler is bookware - the cost of registration is to buy and read Steven William Rimmer's novel Eye of the Dawn.

This document and all the other documentation included with Alchemy Mindworks' software is copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Alchemy Mindworks Inc. It may not be reproduced in whole or in part or transmitted in any form save as a component part of the software without the explicit written permission of the copyright holder. Unauthorized use of this document or any portion thereof may result in severe criminal and civil penalties. Alchemy Mindworks Inc. accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage or expense caused by your use of the information in this document, however it occurs.