ProDelphi 7.x Copyright 1998,1999 by Helmuth J. H. Adolph ---------------------- LICENSE AGREEMENT ---------------------- YOU SHOULD CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS BEFORE USING THIS SOFTWARE. Freeware Version You are hereby licensed to: use the Freeware Version of ProDelphi as long as like; make as many copies of the Freeware Version of ProDelphi as you wish; give exact copies of the Freeware Version of ProDelphi to anyone. Professional Version The Professional Version of ProDelphi may either be used by a single person who uses the software personally on one or more computers, or installed on a single workstation used nonsimultaneously by multiple people, but not both. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY THIS SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING FILES ARE SOLD "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. BECAUSE OF THE VARIOUS HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENTS INTO WHICH THIS PROGRAM MAY BE PUT, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. THE USER MUST ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK OF USING THE PROGRAM. Helmuth J. H. Adolph ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES, DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF ProDelphi. THIS IS VALID FOR THE FREEWARE VERSION AND FOR THE PROFESSIONAL VERSION. Additional Information ---------------------- BBSs, disk vendors, online services, and other Freeware distributors may distribute the Freeware Version of ProDelphi with the following conditions: 1) All of the distribution files must be included unmodified: PROFILER.EXE, PROFMEAS.DLL, PROFCALI.DLL, PROFINT.PAS, PROFONLI.PAS, PROFONLI.DFx, READMExx.DOC, INSTALL.TXT, ORDER.TXT, LICENSE.TXT, VENDOR.TXT, REGISTER.ENG, REGISTER.GER, DLLSUPP.ZIP and SETUP.EXE. 2) Nothing may be charged for the software other than a nominal fee for the distribution costs.