F-PROT introduction The F-PROT anti-virus package consists of the following files: F-PROT.EXE The main program (DOS version). SIGN.DEF DOS/Windows virus search/disinfection data. SIGN2.DEF Trojan and Java/Script/BAT/Other virus search data. MACRO.DEF Word/Excel virus search/disinfection data. NOMACRO.DEF An "empty" version of MACRO.DEF. ENGLISH.TX0 An English message file. F-STOPW.ZIP The F-STOPW program. *.TXT Some documentation files, including this one. *.ASC PGP signature files. Running F-PROT If the F-PROT program is run in interactive mode, you get a screen which shows the available functions. You can use the arrow keys to move around the screen, and press when you wnat to select an action. Scan Options Information Quit When [Scan] is selected, you get a menu where you can specify where to search for viruses, and what to do when a virus is found. See the file SCAN.TXT for further information. When [Options] is selected, you get a menu where you can enable or disable various options. To change an option, move the red line over it, using the arrow keys and press . When [Information] is selected you get a list of several subjects you can select to get more detailed information about the program. Finally, selecting [Quit] will terminate the program.