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SubScript is a lightweight end user scripting language for Delphi32 applications. A native Delphi implementation (no COM automation required); SubScript adds minimal overhead (less than 40k to the .EXE) and is easy to integrate, extend and adapt to any application. Add custom functions without changing the SubScript source. End user support concerns are alleviated by the simple syntax that is as easy to learn and use as a programmable calculator. The fully functional library is available in .DCU format for Delphi3 and Delphi4. The Delphi Math unit and the current version of HyperString are required.

For a fast, installation-free review of the product, you should start with this pre-compiled demo app. The demo is a rudimentary mini-development environment which allows you to work with the language and write and execute your own scripts. Full SubScript documentation is included.

A SubScript source code license is only $39US. SubScript makes extensive use of our HyperString library. HyperString source code is not included and must be licensed separately.

Developer and User Friendly

In some cases, it’s rather difficult to design software that adequately addresses the diverse needs of users without providing some form of end user customization and programmability. Microsoft and others have recognized this and offered so called application or scripting languages (VBA, JScript and the like) as potential solutions. These tools are amazingly powerful --- so powerful as to intimidate non-programmers. Developers have also been somewhat intimidated by the challenge of integrating these tools into their applications and other concerns such as licensing issues and cost, software overhead, increased documentation and end user support.

SubScript is designed as a lightweight alternative to these industrial strength scripting tools. While offering basic programming constructs (simple I/O, loops, branching, subroutines, etc.), SubScript is actually more akin to a programmable calculator than a traditional computer language. The objective being to provide end user customization and adaptability that both developer and user will find easily approachable.

HyperString, CyberBolt and SubScript are trademarks of EFD Systems
Delphi is a trademark of Inprise Corporation