We see here the multimedia Workplace Shell (the name of the desktop) integration of OS/2 Warp 4. Click on any supported formats and it plays instantly. No annoying player window is needed, although supported. It supports out-of-the-box AVI (not Microsoft "101" modified AVI standards, although most can be added), MPEG (OpenMPEG for software playback and enhanced MPEG support can be gotten free of charge), FLI/FLC, JPG, GIF, BMP, PCX, TGA, TIFF, DIB, VID, WAV, AU, SND, VOC, AIFF and MID. Also has new Viewers and Editors interface, and graphic and sound objects can also be converted using the popup menu! QuickTime player from Apple is coming out early in 1997.

We also see Ultimod (a great module player) playing, which is fully drag and drop enabled (for single and multiple modules as well as song list, and is also association aware, ie.: loads in the opened player).

I am also about to locate the original folder named MOD! You remember it was a shadow?

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