
  • Aardvark Software, Inc.
  • ABACO S.R.L.
  • ABRISOFT, Inc.
  • AccuSoft Corporation
  • Addison Wesley
  • AddSoft, Inc.
  • Advantageware, Inc.
  • AGG Group
  • American Cybernetics
  • APEX Software Corporation
  • Artisoft, Inc.- Computer Telephony Product Group
  • AshSoft, Corporation
  • ASNA
  • Ayres Software Inc.
  • BeCubed
  • Bennet-Tec Information Systems, Inc.
  • Blinkinc.
  • Blue Marble Geographics
  • Blue Sky
  • Blue Water Systems, Inc.
  • Inprise
  • BulletProof
  • Caladonia Software
  • Castalia Technologies
  • Catalyst Development Corporation
  • Catapult Systems
  • CBT Training
  • CIE Labs
  • Coherent Visual
  • Command Systems
  • Computer Investment Advice
  • Concentric Data Systems
  • Concept Software
  • Crescent Division of Progress Software
  • Cutting Edge Consulting Inc.
  • D.O.C. Software Corporation
  • DameWare Development
  • Dart Communications
  • Data Dynamics
  • Data Techniques, Inc.
  • DBI Technologies Inc.
  • DemoShield Corporation
  • Desaware, Inc.
  • devSoft, Inc.
  • E. Crane Software
  • Eidesys
  • EllTech Development Inc
  • Ensemble Systems Inc.
  • Ermas Consulting
  • ESRI, Inc.
  • ExceleTel
  • FarPoint Technologies
  • ForeFront, Inc.
  • Friendware
  • Gamesman
  • Geodesic Systems
  • Gold Wire Software
  • GreenTree Technologies
  • Griffin Technologies, Inc.
  • HexaTech
  • HyperSoft Inc.
  • Chili!soft
  • IBM
  • Ideal Engineering
  • Indigo Rose Software Design Corporation
  • Inner Media Inc
  • Innovative Solutions & Technologies, Inc.
  • InstallShield Corporation
  • International Thomson Computer Press
  • Interphase
  • Intersolv
  • Intuitive Data Solutions
  • John Galt
  • KazaGur
  • Keystone Learning Systems Corporation
  • KL Group
  • Larcom & Young
  • LEAD Technologies Inc
  • Linguistic Technology 
  • Live Software
  • Logic Works
  • Macromedia
  • MicroDexterity
  • Microsoft
  • Microsoft Press
  • Mirus Data AB
  • MKS - Mortice Kern Systems, Inc.
  • Moss Micro
  • Net Objects Inc.
  • NuMega Technologies Inc.
  • NuMillenia Technology
  • OLYMPUS Software Europe GmbH
  • Oracle
  • Oracle Press
  • Pacific Software
  • Pegasus Imaging Corporation
  • Pinnacle Publishing Inc
  • PowerBASIC
  • Prentice Hall
  • Progress Software
  • ProtoView Development Corporation
  • Quality Solutions
  • Quasit Technologies, Inc
  • Quiksoft Corporation
  • Raleigh Group International
  • Rational Software Corporation
  • Ratrix Corporation
  • RA-Ware Technologies, Inc. (formerly Templar)
  • Sax Software
  • Seagate Software IMG
  • Sequiter Software Inc.
  • Sheridan Software
  • Siemens Nixdorf
  • Sign Me Up Marketing
  • Simply Solutions Development Corp.
  • Smithware Inc
  • Software Artisans
  • Software FX
  • Software Interphase
  • Software Source
  • Spatial Technology Inc.
  • Starbase Corp
  • SupraSoft Oy
  • Sybase
  • Symantec
  • Synergy Software Technologies, Inc.
  • Sys - Con Publishing
  • TAL Technologies
  • Tall Tree Software
  • teeMach SL
  • Teknowledge Corporation
  • Teletech Systems
  • Template Graphics Software, Inc (TGS)
  • TeraTech, Inc.
  • The MathWizards
  • TracePoint Technology
  • TVObjects
  • UnderWare, Inc.
  • VantagePoint Software
  • Vectrix Corporation
  • Vetrix
  • VideoSoft
  • Vigor Technology, Inc.
  • Visible Systems(Evergreen Software Tools)
  • Visisoft, Inc.
  • Visual Components, Inc.
  • Visual Soft Corporation
  • Visual Software Engineering
  • VivaTexte
  • WebManage Technologies
  • Western Wares
  • WexTech Systems, Inc.
  • WhippleWare
  • Wintertree Software, Inc.
  • WinWare Inc.
  • Wise Solutions Inc. (Great Lakes)
  • Xceed Software
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