Free Pascal Compiler Version 0.99.12 ****************************************************************************** Whats New in 0.99.12 ****************************************************************************** Compiler: + lot of ansistring fixes + coff writer for go32v2,win32 with instant .a creation (BETA) + working global browser + new compiler directives (path and other cmdline switches) + val,readln support range checking + initialization/finalization support + methodpointer support + message support * better intel,at&t parsers with mmx,kni support * better unit dependency handling and recompiling * static var fixes * better addr() support * lot of other fixes, too many to list here RTL: + Internationalization suport in sysutils + FileNameCaseSensitive boolean for go32v2,win32 * more precise str/val * better val(),readln() * io error handling much more like tp7 * small other fixes Utils: + ptop to pretty print your sources * beter ppudump ****************************************************************************** Whats New in 0.99.10 ****************************************************************************** Compiler: + better optimizer + ansistring support + array of const support for FormatStr + automatic heaptrc unit including with the -gh option + open strings ($P+) support + DLL generation for Win32 + printf support for cdecl using array of const * exceptions are finally working * fixed some ppu problems * fixed unit interdependency problems * better range checking, also for enums * size of objects without virtuals is now the same as tp7 * lot of fixes for the assembler readers * more constant expression evalutations * removed all memoryleaks * almost all reported bugs are fixed RTL: + heaptrc unit to detect memoryleaks and other problems with the heap + graph unit works and some missing functions are added * objects unit fully works * more functions for the classes,sysutils unit Utils: * ppudump updated for new ppu entries * h2pas updated to write new cdecl declaration ****************************************************************************** Whats New in 0.99.8 ****************************************************************************** Compiler: + smartlinking support (-Cx) + new ppu format which much more portable en extendible + new scanner with better file position info + constant evaluation like tp7 (trunc,round,hi,swap) + rtti support + exception support + longbool,wordbool support + enumerated packing support like delphi + c variable support (-Sv) + Win32 support (no export and resource support yet) * optimizer switches changed to be easier to use * lot of fixes for sets, also supporting dynamic creation * working open array (sizeof,high) * better filename handling for all platforms * ability to list source lines in the assembler file * some error messages changed to for better understanding * better calling convention support, delphi compatible * glibc2 (linux) support * too many other small bugfixes and internal enhancements RTL: + sysutils unit for objpas + port[] array for go32v2 + graph unit for linux + uniform objects unit for all platforms + rtti support + automatic Longfilename (LFN) support for go32v2 * go32 crt startup delay has been removed * missing pchar support for some file functions (assign,rename) * heapblocks support, which is much faster when allocating a lot of small blocks (like objects) * filerec/textrec is now uniform for all platforms (but not tp7 compatible) * extended is the default floating point type * lot of other fixes and small enhancements Utils: + h2pas util to convert .h files to .pas file + ppudump util replaces the old dumpppu * mkdep is now much less strict and (* *) support ****************************************************************************** Whats New in 0.99.5 ****************************************************************************** Mainly, bugs are fixed and some improvements are made in that release, besides that the following stuff is added: * compiler - mem[] and absolute works now as expected (go32v2 target only) - basic MMX support by the compiler (see docs for more infos) * runtime library - better support of floating point types