This web page has been designed to work with a browser that supports Dynamic HTML or Cascading Style Sheets
The IMS Text Editor supports several different text formats including Titles, Rich Text and HTML.

You can display the text editor with the
abc button located on the Tools Bar. The Editor provides the most common text formatting functions that are appropriate for creating most of your text needs. When more advanced text formatting capabilities are required, the Open and Save buttons will allow you to import and export text in Plain Text (.txt), Rich Text (.rtf) or HTML (.htm).

In addition, a Text Format box provides the ability for the user to switch between these formats.

Titles are ideal for creating buttons and headings.
They use a single Font, Style and Color. Use your mouse
to scale Plain Text to any size on the Y axis.

Rich Text provides extended text formating and can be imported from most popular word processors including MS Word . Rich Text will also maintain its font size within the object boundary.

IMS treats HTML as a raw format. This is ideal when the user wishes to import or export HTML tags without concern that the authoring software will modify them.

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