:Base etcenter.hlp :Title Hercules Entertainment Center Help 2 What is Hercules Entertainment Center?=IDH_CONTENTS 2 Quick Start Guide=IDH_QUICKSTART 2 Installing and Removing Hercules Entertainment Center=IDH_INSTALLANDREMOVE 1 Hercules Entertainment Center Components 2 CD Player=IDH_CDPLAYER 2 Configure=IDH_CONFIGURATION 2 MIDI Player=IDH_MIDIPLAYER 2 Mixer=IDH_MIXER 2 Video Player=IDH_VIDEOPLAYER 2 Video Browser=IDH_VIDEOBROWSER 2 Wave Player=IDH_WAVEPLAYER 1 How Do I... 2 change the balance?=IDH_HDICHANGEBALANCE 2 automatically play a file when I launch a component?=IDH_HDIAUTOPLAY