General Q & A
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General Q & A

What is Microsoft® Visual J++Ö 6.0?
What is new in Visual J++ 6.0?
What are the Windows Foundation Classes?
What changes have been made to WFC since Technology Preview 2?
Why isnÆt Visual J++ 6.0 included with Visual Studio 6.0?
Will there be any issues with upgrading from Technology Preview 2 to the final version of Visual J++ 6.0?
What is J/Direct?
What class libraries does Visual J++ 6.0 support?
What component support does Visual J++ 6.0 provide?
Where can I get this new version of Visual J++, and how much does it cost?
Does Visual J++ 6.0 support cross-platform development?
How does Visual J++ compare to other Java tools on the market today?
How do components created with WFC compare to JavaBeans and ActiveX Controls? How do they interoperate?
How do applications built with Visual J++ integrate with other Windows-based applications and other Java applications?
What kind of security exists for my applications built with Visual J++ 6.0?
Will Visual J++ continue to be a part of the Visual Studio™ development Suite?
Why is Visual J++ moving from version 1.1 to version 6.0?
How can I get more information on Visual J++ 6.0?

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