MSDN Sampler CD Welcome to the MSDN Sampler CD. This CDROM provides a wealth of information and samples that allow you to "take a peek" at the resources and information available from MSDN, the Microsoft Developer Network. This CDROM provides you with information in web format, which requires a minimum of Internet Explorer version 4.0. Requirements: Windows 95, 98 /or/ Windows NT Internet Explorer 4.0 800 x 600 Video recommended INSTALLING INTERNET EXPLORER Version 5.0 If you do not have Internet Explorer on your computer, we have included the Windows 95 / Windows 98 / Windows NT version on this CDROM. To Install IE: 1. Browse this CDROM with Windows Explorer. 2. Click to enter the directory IE5 3. Double-click on the file "ie5Setup.exe" to start the installation. Note: You can also do this via the "start menu" by pressing Start - Run (and entering \IE5\ie5setup.exe) TO VIEW THE CONTENTS OF THIS CDROM If your computer is setup to automatically start CDROM programs, when you place this CD into your CDROM drive, Internet Explorer will be launched, and the file "default.htm" will be loaded for viewing automatically. If your computer does not automatically start the Browser, you can either: 1. Open Internet Explorer, and select "File", "Open" and "Browse" Browse to the Root directory of the CDROM, and select "default.htm". or 2. Use Windows Explorer to browse the Root directory of this CDROM. Double-click on "default.htm" to start the browser with this file. We hope that you enjoy the information that we have provided you. The MSDN Team