Microsoft Office 2000 Developer

Microsoft Office 2000 Developer is the edition of Office designed for professional programmers building and deploying solutions with Microsoft Office 2000. Office 2000 Developer includes Microsoft Office 2000 Premium as well as professional productivity tools, documentation and sample code for quickly building solutions with Microsoft Office in the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) development environment. Office 2000 Developer provides developers the power and performance to:


  • Build Solutions Faster
    Office 2000 Developer is designed to maximize code reuse, support team development, and provide tools for quickly building solutions with solid code. In addition, fast development means access to prewritten code and samples to jumpstart the development process.
  • Enhance Data Integration
    Office 2000 Developer delivers tools and components that make it easy to integrate data into Office solutions. In addition, the Microsoft Database Engine (MSDE) ships with Office 2000, providing developers with a fully SQL Server  compatible data store for the client, enabling easy solution migration to SQL Server.
  • Easily Deploy and Manage Solutions
    Office 2000 Developer provides all of the necessary tools for easily deploying and managing solutions built with Microsoft Office.
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