Microsoft« Windows« Distributed interNet Applications Architecture (Windows DNA) is the application development model for the Windows platform. Windows DNA specifies how to: develop robust, scalable, distributed applications using the Windows platform; extend existing data and external applications to support the Internet; and support a wide range of client devices maximizing the reach of an application. Because Windows DNA relies on a comprehensive and integrated set of services provided by the Windows platform, developers are free from the burden of building or assembling the required infrastructure for distributed applications and can focus on delivering business solutions.

General Information

Windows DNA Animation (EXE file)
Self running animation which helps explain the concepts and technologies of Windows DNA.

Windows DNA Fact Sheet (Word Document)

Windows DNA White Paper (Word Document)


The Fahrenheit Demo (ZIP File)
A simple Windows DNA demo showing how to create a temperature conversion component that runs under MTS and can be accessed from multiple clients. Includes demo script and complete source code.


Microsoft Announces Windows DNA for Manufacturing

Technical Articles

Understanding the Microsoft Windows DNA Architecture

The Scoop On Script
A SiteBuilder "More or Hess" article which discusses the capabilities and importance of Windows Scripting to creating easily customizeable Windows DNA solutions based on multiple applications.

Application Development in the Internet Age
Sitebuilder "More or Hess" article examining the limitations and potentials of developing applications that leverage web based interfaces.

Applying the Web
Sitebuilder "More Or Hess" article introducing the concept of websites transitioning to applications.

The Flip Side of Web Applications
Sitebuilder "More or Hess" article that examines a couple of solution deployment scenerios and describes how moving beyond a "generic" web interface can often be the right thing to do.

The Right Tool for the App
Sitebuilder "More or Hess" article that introduces some of the basic principles of Windows DNA and the presentation options.

Tips to Make Your Web App's Reach Equal Its Grasp
Sitebuilder "More or Hess" article that examines some of the tradeoffs associated with "Reach" versus "Richness"


Training: Mastering Distributed Application Design and Development Using Microsoft Visual Studio 6 
This course introduces developers to the opportunities and challenges of designing and creating enterprise applications. Students will not only see how developing such flexible and scalable applications can be challenging, they will also learn how to address these challenges by employing appropriate design, tools, and technology.

Online Seminar: Microsoft Windows Interoperability 
Windows products work well with other platforms. Learn how to integrate disparate network platforms; access dissimilar file formats; develop applications that function cross-platform; and set up password synchronization, authentication and encryption.

Case Studies - Windows DNA case study, an online retailer of all things for the kitchen, teams up with Stellcom Technologies to create a comprehensive Windows DNA application for its online shopping services.

GMAC-RFC Uses Windows DNA to Build an Automated Loan Underwriting System
Using the Windows DNA architecture, GMAC-RFC created an automated loan underwriting system that reduces turnaround time from several days to less than a minute!

HomeComings Automates Loan Processing
HomeComings Financial Network, a subsidiary of GMAC-RFC, upgraded their loan processing with a Windows DNA application that helps them improve service by 20 percent while expecting significantly decreased operating costs.

Xtras Implements Off-the-Shelf E-Commerce Solution; Sales Jump!
Using affordable off-the-shelf components, Xtras created a customized solution based on the Windows DNA architecture that integrates seamlessly with their existing systems. Four months later, sales are already up 15 percent!


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