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Did You Know?
J.J. and Jeremy Allaire have been named the Young Entrepreneurs of the Year by the Massachusetts Interactive Media Council.

Did You Know?
Allaire's ColdFusion 4.0 was named the "Editors' Choice" for Web application servers by PC Magazine. This honor follows ColdFusion 4.0 winning a "Well Connected Award" for best DBMS Tool for Web Integration by Network Computing Magazine.

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Security Issues Addressed by Allaire
Sample applications included with the ColdFusion Server documentation in versions 2.0 through 4.0 expose the ability to upload, view, and delete server files. Detailed information and patches pertaining to this and other security issues can be found in Allaire's Security Zone. Please visit the Security Zone for more information.
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ColdFusion for HP-UX Released!
The first release of ColdFusion 4.0 for HP-UX, the leading Web application development platform, is now available for purchase worldwide. Allaire is committed to delivering cross-platform, robust Web development solutions, and ColdFusion Enterprise for HP-UX is an important milestone in that effort.
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Allaire Announces ColdFusion Express
Allaire Corporation has announced ColdFusion Express, a free limited functionality edition of our award winning enterprise Web application server. ColdFusion Express is designed for HTML developers and desktop database developers building basic web applications on corporate intranets.
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Allaire Announces Acquisition of Live Software
Allaire has signed a definitive merger agreement to acquire Live Software, Inc., a pioneer in server-side Java development and deployment technology and developer of JRun. The acquisition is part of a new Allaire initiative to add broad support for server-side Java to the Allaire web application platform.
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Developer Conference Announced
Allaire will be hosting the First Annual Worldwide Allaire Developer Conference at the Sheraton Hotel and Towers in Boston from October 24 -- 26, 1999. This comprehensive program is a combination of product demonstrations and sneak previews of new Allaire technologies, in-depth workshops, hands-on technology labs, and a partner solutions exhibit area featuring key complementary technologies. Register early and SAVE!
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Microsoft and Allaire Announce Agreement
Microsoft Corp. and Allaire Corp. announce an agreement to enhance the integration between the Microsoft« Windows« Distributed interNet Applications (Windows DNA) architecture technologies and the AllaireÖ ColdFusion« Web application server.
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