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    Suggested Starting Points

    • I recommend that you subscribe to the mailing list for your synth if available. Mailing lists are an active source of information and resources, and can answer many specific questions you may have. Many synth mailing lists can be found on sites listed here at Synth Zone

    • Harmony Central's keyboard & synth page is another great source of information. And if you're looking for vendors of all types of music products give The Music Yellow Pages a try.

    • For other people's views and discussions of new and old synths, the newsgroup is very active, and for searching all newsgroups Deja Search is invaluable. The Harmony Central Synth Database has a great collection of user reviews, and Sonicstate also provides good coverage. And don't forget the Synth Zone Discussion Page and the Newgroups page which also has links to non Usenet discussions.

    • For Mac users who often have problems using files they find on the Internet (as they are usually for the PC) Twin Cities can answer many questions regarding this very problem and should be read by all Mac midi users who are new to the Internet. Also check the wide range of info files and resources at Mac Midi User's Internet Guide

    • For music shareware Shareware Music Machine is good place to start. And if you're searching for files of any type FTP Search will find almost anything, if it's on the Internet. Type in Midi or .WAV and see watch the results pour in. Another file search tool that is good to use is the Virtual Software Library

    • If you need basic language translation try Alta Vista's Babelfish translator. It is far from perfect, but it can be helpful at times.
    Synth Zone is an attempt to ease the search for synth  resources on the Internet. For more info read the Synth Zone FAQ.

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  • See Keyboard magazine's B3 Shootout comparing Roland, Voce, Hammond Suzuki and Blue Chip B3 emulations.
  • NAMM '99 Product announcements from Harmony Central.
  • Game Play Music want you to submit your music. The Fatman can help connect you with games developers requiring music from original composers.

  • Synth Zone is a Top 100 Music Web site listed by

    If you have any technical questions post them on on the Synth Zone Discussion Page
    Presented by Nigel Spencer

    Last modified :Sunday, 23-May-1999 20:32:23 PDT
    All Rights Reserved ©Copyright 1995-98