Welcome to this demo version of WaveLab 2.0 for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 4.0! FIRST OF ALL: WaveLab is a truly native 32 bit Windows 95/98 program: it does not run on Windows 3.1 ! The WaveLab demo contains all the features of the normal version except the following: 1. You cannot Save Audio files. 2. You can create Audio databases but you can not reopen them. 3. You cannot receive/send samples to your Sampler via SCSI or MIDI" 4. You cannot burn CD-ROMs. In the Wavelab Demo folder you will find: 1) SETUP.EXE (to install WaveLab) 2) SETUP.W02 (2nd part of installation) 3) SETUP.W03 (3rd part of installation) 4) README.TXT (this file). To run WaveLab 2.0 you need the following minimum system: Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0 Pentium 166MHz or faster ATTENTION: To get the best out of your WaveLab program, we recommend using INTEL Pentium processors for the realtime engine. 16 megabytes of RAM, 32 or more recommended. 16 bit compatible Sound Card If you use Windows 95 (rather than Windows NT), it is important that your virtual memory settings are correct when working with large audio files. In the Windows 95 Control Panel, open the System setup and click on the Virtual Memory button. If you are not certain whether you have at least 20 MegaBytes of virtual memory space, click on the button "Let me specify my own memory settings". As a minimum, you should specify 20 MegaBytes or, if possible, a value between 2 and 3 times the amount of your computer RAM memory. WaveLab comes with OnLine and context sensitive help. We encourage you to take a look at this documentation to discover all the exciting features and tips. If you need to contact Steinberg, you can reach us at: Internet: International: http://www.steinberg.net Deutschland: http://www.steinberg.de On both web pages you will find crosslinks to the local sites of our distribution partners. The Steinberg Team