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Springtime on Uranus Hubble finds storms rage in springtime on Uranus  A dramatic new time-lapse movie created from Hubble Space Telescope images shows for the first time seasonal changes on Uranus. Once considered one of the blander-looking planets, Uranus is now revealed as a dynamic world with the brightest clouds in the outer Solar System and a fragile ring system that wobbles like an unbalanced wagon wheel.

Breaking News
Stars in the Tarantula Nebula  The latest image to be released in the Hubble Heritage Program shows a cluster of brilliant, massive stars, known to astronomers as Hodge 301, inside the Tarantula Nebula in our nearest galactic neighbour, the Large Magellanic Cloud.

Online services Astronomy Now Store: open for business  Visit the Astronomy Now Store to order subscriptions, back issues, binders and more. Place your order with confidence over our secure links.

Read it first on NewsAlert  Our NewsAlert service will e-mail you with breaking news in astronomy and space. Click here for details of this free service.

Special reports "God speed John Glenn": a space anniversary  Thirty seven years ago John Glenn became the first American to orbit the planet, lifting off aboard the Friendship 7 Mercury capsule from Cape Canaveral in Florida. To celebrate the anniversary, we present Glenn's official pilot's report about the historic flight.

A new look at the Moon  The Clementine mission, staged by the U.S. Department of Defense provided the world with a new close up look at the lunar surface in more than 20 years. Read Peter Bond's article from the March 1995 issue of Astronomy Now.

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