The STScI Digitized Sky Survey

NOTE: This page should not be used to obtain target coordinates for HST Phase 2 proposals. Instead, use the Phase 2 form to make sure you're extracting from the right plates.

NOTE You may get an error saying something about "Could not locate disc". We're aware of the problem, but we will probably not be able to fix it until Monday. We apologize for any inconvenience.
In the meantime, here is a list of other sites that offer the DSS.

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Get an Object's Coordinates

Object name
Get coordinates from SIMBAD NED

Retrieve an Image

Retrieve from

RA Dec

Note: The maximum scan size for 2nd-Generation scans is now 30x30 arcminutes. First-generation scans are still 60x60 arcminutes.

Height Width arcminutes; max 60 (30 for 2nd-Generation)

File format Compression (FITS only)
Save file to disk (instead of displaying)

HST Field of View Overlay (1st generation GIF only):
Roll angle (V3):

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The Digitized Sky Survey copyright © 1994, Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. All use subject to copyright notices given in the copyright summary. Copyright information specific to individual plates is provided in the downloaded FITS headers.

Scientific citations of this data must include information given in the acknowledgements.