Cookie Setting Procedure

In order to provide better ADS services, we are setting cookies now. To maintain consistency between our different services, we need to set several cookies on our servers and on our mirror servers. this may take a few seconds. Once this is done, your query will be executed. In case there is a problem with this procedure and it doesn't seem to return, or keeps repeating the procedure, you can Redo Query. This will execute the query without the cookie setting procedure. If you consistently have problems, you can use the query forms that circumvent the cookie setting procedures. They all have the same names as the normal query forms and are in the subdirectory options/nosetcookie. You can get directly to the Astronomy Query Form. However, the use of these forms will prevent you from making use of the new features that we will implement in the near future (e.g. customized query forms and preset default printing parameters). If you experience these problems, please use this e-mail link to give us your e-mail address. This mail link will also transmit some pertinent information that will help me to look into the problem.