Extended Search for Delphi 2, Delphi 3 and C++Builder

Extended Search screenshot
Extended Search is an Add-In expert which brings GREP-Like functionality to Delphi's Search menu, allowing you to search through multiple files for a specific character pattern, display each occurence in its particular context, and open the desired file in the Delphi editor with the cursor positioned at the line of interest, saving a LOT of keystrokes.

Extended search supports all the basic GREP options: Expression searches, Case-sensitivity, whole word, and sub-directory searches, line numbers and filenames only.
Extended Search is FAST. Much faster than Delphi 3's Find in Files option, as fast as GREP from the command line. Search 75,000 lines of text per second, the entire Delphi library source code in under 4 seconds (on a P133 with 32 megs RAM) 


Extended search properties dialog

Extended Search allows you to define aliases for commonly used file paths, multiple file paths, and default extensions. You can even define a custom hotkey.

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  If you have comments or suggestions, email me at meduncan@earthlink.net