Version History: ---------------- 2.9: Current Release -------------------- * Release date: 16 July 1998 * Now supports: - Delphi 1 (at last!) - Delphi 2 - Delphi 3 - Delphi 4 - C++Builder 1 - C++Builder 3 (unconfirmed, but there shouldn't be a problem). * Palette handling in 8-bit screen mode even better. * New painting algorithm produces perfect results, even at design-time. :) * Changed some of the methods to protected-virtual to fascilitate descendant classes. * Added the following properties: - Color - DoubleBuffered - FirstImageOnly - Opaque - Version * Removed the following properties: - FileName * Added the following global variables: - LastWriteError - OnWriteProgress 2.8: Eighth Release -------------------- * Release date: 4 February 1998 * Interim release, fixes some small bugs. 2.7: Seventh Release -------------------- * Release date: 10 December 1997 * Interim release, mostly fixes bugs. * Memory leak in SaveToXXX fixed. * Palette handling in 8-bit screen mode slightly better (still not perfect) * Added the ability to include the image in the project automatically (like Delphi's TImage) - no more messing around with resource files!!! * Moved all the GIF export routines (SaveToFile, SaveToStream) out of the TGIFImage class. * Added simplified export routines (SaveToFileSingle, SaveToStreamSingle) for easily exporting a bitmap to GIF format. * Added the following properties: - StretchRatio - Threaded - ThreadPriority * Added the following methods: - Clear * Added the following events: - OnProgress - OnWrapAnimation 2.6: Sixth Release -------------------- * Release date: 23 April 1997 * Removed the Timer which runs in a seperate thread and replaced it with the normal TTimer. This was because Delphi did not free the thread when the TThread's Free method was called. I'll include it again once I've fixed the problem. 2.5: Fifth Release -------------------- * Release date: 20 April 1997 * Renamed all names containing 'Image' to 'Frame' as this seems a bit more clear. Sorry to the existing users who will have to change some source code. * Added the following properties: - Empty - ImageWidth - ImageHeight - IsInterlaced - MouseOnTransparent - NumIterations - CurrentFrame - Speed * Added the following methods: - LoadInfoFromFile - LoadInfoFromStream * Added the following events: - OnChanging - OnChange * Added a component editor which gives the following options while in the IDE: - Load... - Clear - Refresh You can now double-click on the component to get a browse dialog for selecting a file. * Removed the following properties: - Color - SeeThrough * Removed the following methods: - UpdateBackground * Fixed the bugs relating to the painting of transparent GIF's. * Fixed the bug which occured when interlaced GIF's were decompressed to more than 64Kb. * Fixed some minor compression bugs. * Changed the Timer which controls animation to one which runs in a seperate thread. This results in much smoother animation. 2.1: Fourth Release -------------------- * Release date: 25 February 1997 * Added the following property: - LastError * Added the following method: - UpdateBackground * Added the siUseGlobalColorTable variable which can increase compression for animations * Fixed a small bug that would produce an unreadable file if you saved an animation with an image that uses an amount of colors which is not a power of 2 2.0: Third Release --------------------- * Release date: 18 February 1997 * Added the ability to compress Bitmap to GIF format * Added the following methods: - GetImageInfo - LoadFromFile - SaveToFile - LoadFromStream - SaveToStream - LoadFromResourceName - LoadFromResourceID * Added a browse dialog for the FileName property * Added a frame when in Design state (in the IDE) 1.1: Second Release ------------------- * Release date: 26 January 1997 * Added the following properties: - NumImages - Visible * Fixed some minor bugs (undocumented features?). The background of transparent images is now updated when SeeThrough is set and either of the following events occur: - The component is resized or moved - The Center property is toggled - The Tile property is toggled 1.0: Initial Release -------------------- * Release date: 20 January 1997 * Contained the following properties: - Animate : Boolean - AutoSize : Boolean - Bitmap : TBitmap (ReadOnly) - BitsPerPixel : Integer (ReadOnly) - Center : Boolean - Color : TColor - FileName : String - IsAnimated : Boolean (ReadOnly) - IsTransparent : Boolean (ReadOnly) - Loop : Boolean - SeeThrough : Boolean - Stretch : Boolean - Tile : Boolean