
  The municipal authority of Benecko attempts to save the ruins of The Castle of Stepanice as well as to support cultural activities in the area of the castle. 

  Recently there took place an archaeological research in a lower part of the castle. Some broken parts of the walls have been fixed. The castle bastion and a part of the wall have been provisionally roofed. 
   Costs have been partially paid by sponsorship of the local businessmen and financial resources of the municipal authority of Benecko as well as a free voluntary work of history enthusiasts. Dr. Ing. Z. Gardavsky has elaborated a schedule of a rescue of the castle. 
   The rescue work should finish in 1998. Later it will be possible to develop the continuing building activities. The tower, for example, can be used for seasonal art exhibitions or as a place for seats of natural amphitheatre. 
  The new 220 kg bell consecrated to St. Vaclav, bought due to a sponsorship and gifts of the local people, has been placed in The Trinity Church in Horni Stepanice in 1994. A new automatic bell ringing was installed. The old bell has been renovated.   
  On the 19th of July 1998 the bishop of the diccese of Hradec Kralove mons. Karel Otcenasek has consecrated ten newly repaired crosses. On the 27th of September 1998 the dean Emil Erlebach has consecrated the renovated chapel of St. Vaclav at the cemetery. 

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