We would like to apologize that pages to follow are only in Czech - for our travel agency addresses primarily Czech and Slovak clients. Sometimes clients from other countries travel with us too and we are ready to give necessary information about particular trips in English upon request. Costs in our catalogue are in Czech crowns, current exchange rate is about 32 crowns per US dollar. Air fare costs are stated separately; the last number in the cost line stands for air fare.

Who are we?
We are a group of people who happened to turn their hobbies into their job. Traveling, outdoor activities and meeting people with lifestyles other than our own became the philosophy of our lives.

Why do we do it?
Long ago, before it was possible to have a travel agency of one's own, we were interested in non-traditional ways of traveling. The strongest experience remains from a trip during which one has to forget comfort and get on a bike, grasp a paddle and boat down a wild river or hike up to mountain peaks.


For whom do we do it?
Since the border line between "usual" and "unusual" differs from individual to individual, Adventura's offers a wide range of trips. These include weekend trips for parents with small children, challenging overseas expeditions, coach tours focusing on nature, architecture and art, alpine skiing, paragliding and much more. There is something all our trips share: designed with care, they are unique and will lead you one step further.

What do we want?
We want to be different from classical travel agencies. We want to offer you what you have been only dreaming of so far, or maybe even something you have never thought about. We want to enable you to get to know new countries, new friends and yourself as well.

Adventura s.r.o.
Voronezska 20,  Prague 10, 101 00

Phone: +420-2-71741734-6, Fax: +420-2-71741737
E-mail: travel@adventura.cz