==================================================================== THIS FILE DESCRIBES THE CHANGES IN THE BLOWFISH ADVANCED 97 VERSIONS ==================================================================== 5 October 98: Version 1.12 released -------------------------------------- NEW: - CAST UCDI driver (thanks to Walter Dvorak) FIXED: - request dialog for overwrite existing files wasn't called correctly (thanks to Delphi 4) 24 September 98: Version 1.11 released -------------------------------------- CHANGED: - no online registrations possible anymore FIXED: - program crashed after executed drap+drop encrypt/decrypt/wipe - target path wasn't created properly sometimes for copy and move 17 September 98: Version 1.10 released -------------------------------------- NEW: - encrypted files can now also be viewed by drag+drop CHANGED: - new address of the Blowfish Advanced 97 homepage (see help file) 2 August 98: Version 1.09 released ---------------------------------- NEW: - TwoFish UCDI driver - option for write-protecting files after encryption - compiled with Borland Delphi 4 CHANGED: - clearing empty disk space is faster (and able to process more than 2GB) FIXED: - free drive space larger than 2GB is now shown correctly - rest problem when clearing empty disk space - progres window wasn't closed sometimes when the application was minimized - on multiple job-files the execution was stopped if no files were found at one of the jobs 31 May 98: Version 1.08 released -------------------------------- NEW: - preview of Blowfish Advanced CS (see help file) CHANGED: - font of the "Clear empty disk space" dialog FIXED: - wiping didn't work properly on different versions of Windows 95 13 Mar 98: Version 1.07 released -------------------------------- NEW: - new standard UCDI driver implementing the GOST algorithm CHANGED: - testing a driver will now additionally show the size of its information block FIXED: - uncritical error in the interpreter for binary passwords, can be reactivated by the new option "Fix problem with binary passwords" to decrypt old files 10 Mar 98: Version 1.06 released -------------------------------- NEW: - "Which algorithm is the best one?" in the help file (see chapter "File Format and Technical Reference") CHANGED: - The UCDI was slightly changed in its functionality. THE NEW DRIVERS WON'T WORK WITH VERSIONS OF BLOWFISH ADVANCED 97 LOWER THAN 1.06! BUT THEY ARE STILL COMPATIBLE TO THEIR PREDECESSORS, SO CONVERSIONS OF ENCRYPTED FILES ARE NOT NECESSARY AT ALL. - text display the job report uses the Courier font now FIXED: - all UCDI drivers were rebuilt and are now as small as possible - text display in the job report wasn't resizable - file renaming caused problems on some systems, the set of characters for random renaming was reduced to letters and numbers 6 Feb 98: Version 1.05 released ------------------------------- FIXED: - wrong triple-DES driver (1.00.033) was included in the last version, correct version is now 1.00.050 - if only one file with the size of zero was encrypted the progress bar threw a division by zero exception 31 Jan 98: Version 1.04 released -------------------------------- NEW: - triple-DES now included as a standard driver in the package - uninstall information in INSTALL.TXT now available CHANGED: - redesigned the ugly "Stop" button (BTW, [ESC] key does the same) - hint of the button to exit the program is now "Exit" and not "Check Out" - "View", not "Decrypt" as the caption for the password dialog now (if viewing encrypted files) FIXED: - if the password was valid, but the crypt driver was the wrong one "no BFA file" appeared (which is not really true at all) - clicks on the "Stop" button were ignored sometimes while decrypting - removing a driver from the list caused a wrong driver list - program does a retry after a "weak key error" now, this should be enough even for the Blowfish encryption algorithm - some characters are not used for random renaming anymore, especially '~', which seemed to confuse Windows 95 - favorites and the target path list are now sorted, no error, just better - extension ".bfa" is now lowercase (seems to be standard under Win32) 15 Dec 97: Version 1.03 released -------------------------------- CHANGED: - the filebrowser shows readonly files by default now FIXED: - wrong message in the wipe confirmation (German version only) - files were not closed properly after decryption in some cases - changing the target path didn't activate the "Apply" button - password and option dialogs were not shown correctly if the desktop was turned to large fonts - problem with renamed cryptfiles with the equal original names - clicks on the "Stop" button didn't work properly 9 Dec 97: Version 1.02 released ------------------------------- FIXED: - new filename (after renaming) wasn't shown correctly - "wiping original file" was always invisible - exception on invalid time codes wasn't catched - encrypted files were not closed properly in some special cases - shareware dialog was shown in the small password dialog even in the registered release - passwords were registered by the Auto Confirmation when decrypting 5 Dec 97: Version 1.01 released ------------------------------- NEW: - improved random generator with SHA-1 FIXED: - problem showing the shareware tip - job-report form was always visible after the process - PC1 driver: minor bug fix in an unused function - Blowfish driver: minor bug fix in an unused function - program caption was "MainForm" a short time after the start - move+copy: the "already-exists" requests showed the source path - obsolete "wiping original file" message on read-only devices like CD-ROMSs - help for popup menu failed if F1 was pressed - wrong file name in the "already exists" warning while encrypting - decrypt problems if encrypted files were readonly 10 Nov 97: Version 1.0 released -------------------------------