4S4EB2X0.86A Standard BIOS Production Release, Build 0012 About This Release · 4S4EB2X0.86A.0012.P05.9811231630 (Production 5) Features/Errata Fixed In This Release Prod-0005  Fixed a system hang issue for USB devices with large configuration descriptors.  Fixed issue with using Shift-TAB key combination in DOS.  Fixed a system hang issue when Keyboard Caps Lock, Scroll Lock or Num Lock keys are pressed.  Remove the Audio Enable/Disable Setup option for non-audio boards.  Set Maximum CPU speed as reported by SMBIOS 2.1 to 450MHz.  Added feature where both Floppy A: and B: SETUP nodes will appear if the on-board floppy controller is DISABLED and an add-in floppy controller is installed. Prod-0004  Added support for waking on PME from Suspend and Standby.  Fixed issue with VESA video power down setup option.  Fixed memory count discrepancy after clearing Splash logo.  Added SMBIOS 2.1 structure for on-board AGP slot.  Fixed issue with ACPI Power LED functionality.  Cleared QuietBoot Splash Screen when password prompt is displayed.  Fixed issue for going into Standby when serial activity is present.  Fixed a delay issue with APM mode using a USB keyboard.  Fixed an issue resulting in a system hang when HIMEM.SYS was not loaded.  Added "Memory Decreased" error logging in DMI Event Log.  Added multiple single-bit ECC error logging in DMI Event Log. Prod-0003 · First Production Release of the SE440BX-2 BIOS. Known Errata With This Release Prod-0005 · None Prod-0004 · None Prod-0003 · None * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Copyright (c) 1998. Intel Corporation.