╚eskΘ republiky

POVODN╠ - POMOC V NOUZI - nabφdky, poptßvky

Svaz m∞st a obcφ ╚eskΘ Republiky (SMO ╚R) je nevlßdnφ a nezßvislß organizace, zastupujφcφ a hßjφcφ zßjmy samosprßv p°i jednßnφch s Vlßdou a Parlamentem ╚R. SMO ╚R takΘ vystupuje jako reprezentant municipalit ve vztazφch se zahraniΦφm.
Kancelß° SMO Orgßny SMO OdbornΘ komise

TIPY PRO OBCE - v²hodnΘ nabφdky - komerΦnφ strßnky

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The Union of Towns and Communities of the Czech Republic (UTC CR) is a non-governmental and independent organization representing and promoting local governments in negotiations with the Government and the Parliament of the Czech Republic. UTC CR also represents municipalities in international relations.
UTC CR Office UTC CR Bodies Expert Commissions

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