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Attention: New rule of Rambler's Top100 service from 15.12.98. CGI/Refresh Pages can't take part in other groups, "CGI/Refresh" group only.

Total pages*: 17138, Total hits: 315562489 (297962379 valid), Hits today: 1264594
Last changed: 04.02.99 19:25:01 (Moscow time)

Push channels [81]. Personal [4704]. CGI scripts [322]. Common [11397]. All [16504].

Group name [members]TotalToday (%**) Group name [members]TotalToday (%**)
Advertising [314]15839108053[0.64%] Law [163]10386704682[0.37%]
Art [385]326218013262[1.05%] Literature [422]407405117035[1.35%]
Automotive [503]768973232213[2.55%] Media [553]2426375677326[6.11%]
Business/Finance [745]36132226185970[14.71%] Music [863]970919538510[3.05%]
Cinema [161]18790936050[0.48%] Nature [81]4211883943[0.31%]
Classificators [129]946669688290[6.98%] Other [1992]2235825448399[3.83%]
Companies [816]575388425439[2.01%] Politics [213]310309218172[1.44%]
Computers [525]822469346922[3.71%] Radio [70]6282675047[0.40%]
Construction [179]3709802341[0.19%] Real-Estate [201]11477806471[0.51%]
Consum [357]135102215343[1.21%] Religion [227]5257532751[0.22%]
Education [568]490110024545[1.94%] Science [288]8758074041[0.32%]
Entertainment [932]42179851154064[12.18%] Security [222]11171656998[0.55%]
Food [99]3696192845[0.22%] Services [331]1020409131856[2.52%]
Games [550]946156840874[3.23%] Software [506]357714740255[3.18%]
Government [113]5771023097[0.24%] Sport [470]416729423179[1.83%]
Hardware [123]6613334595[0.36%] TV [118]14530689210[0.73%]
Health [446]16053589355[0.74%] Technics [208]11913289505[0.75%]
History [109]2716572442[0.19%] Technologies [263]254699813078[1.03%]
Hobbies [651]986222445717[3.62%] Theatre [45]798501103[0.09%]
ISPs [444]3000656683425[6.60%] Towns/Regions [126]5558613935[0.31%]
Job [288]404225420117[1.59%] Travel [534]297921911229[0.89%]
Kids [128]3992052369[0.19%] Valuers [38]82098657[0.05%]

* - Counted with non ranked sites
** - % from total hits today

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