UCITEL actor - address k afternoon ! again also and apple armchair " arrival hall l arrive . aunt autumn bad bag # baggage reclaim m baker baseball bath bathroom beach / beautiful n because bed bedroom behind 0 big $ bike % black & boarding pass 1 book ' boring ( born 2 boyfriend o bread ) brilliant bring brother brown p but camera q car cards carpet r catch s certainly clean clock clothes 3 coffee 4 cold colour t come computer 0 conversation cook cooker u cost / count country crossword 5 cup cupboard dance 1 dark daughter 2 delayed 3 departure lounge desk 4 destination dictionary 5 different 6 difficult dinner dishwasher doctor dog 6 draw 7 drink v drive during 8 easy eat envelope evening cards evening hear leave nice red take window " everybody exciting exercise 9 expensive 7 eye : family famous ; father favourite w film fire first fish flat 8 flight flower 9 fluently x fly < food y football z fortunately fridge friend = friendly game garden : gate ; genius get up { go go shopping go swimming > good ? grandfather @ grandmother | hairdresser } half A ham < hand luggage B happy have = hear here hobby C holiday D home E horrible ~ hospital F hot hour house G husband * champion chat H cheap + check , check-in desk I cheese chemist's - cheque . chess J chicken child K ice-cream ice-skating important in front of interesting international interpreter interview job journalist key king kitchen know lamp > land language ? last late learn leave left letter library like like listen to live living room long look after love L lovely @ lunch magazine make map married A match meal B meat C medicine meet mechanic mend M milk N mineral water mirror modern month O morning P mother mountain name near Q nephew never R new news newsagent's newspaper next to S nice niece D nose notebook E now nurse office often U old on V or orange W orange juice other painting palace X parents Y park F party G passport control pen people Z phone number [ photo H piano picture pilot place plane plant plate play I player police station politician post box post office postcard J practise pub radio receptionist red relax K ride \ right right river L safety belt sailing ] sandwich sea see sell shop shop-assistant short singer ! sister sleep ^ small M smell smoke sofa sometimes " son song # south speak spring $ stamp start stay stereo % student N study suddenly & suitcase summer summer sunbathe ' surname swimming pool table take take photograph talk taxi-driver _ tea ( teacher O teenager ) thank you * thanks P think + ticket tired ` today toilet a town traffic train Q translate R tray tree S type b uncle T under c understand U until V use usually village visit volleyball walk wall , want washing machine watch W wear d weather week wet while whole e wife window windsurf winter f work g write h wrong X year yellow Y yesterday i young a adresa ale auto do,dokud ka barva n hem bejsbol bezpe nostn s na bratr bruslen byt l it aj asopis asto erven dcera ek kuji lat,vyrobit dlo ky vat se dlouh dnes doktor doma dopis doprava dovolen m us film k fotbal fotit fotka nius herec hodina hodiny hora hospoda hra dlo l c novin vat synovec zrcadlo t b t ze chytit jablko jako jaro jazyk jezdit dlo jih st t no k kancel karty va kniha knihovna koberec kolo ek kontrolovat konverzace koupelna t l kredenc kreslit eslo ovka kufr kuchyn e tina lampa ledni ka rna let letadlo t to to stek nice el elka mapa maso matka c sto mezin milovat,l ska miner lka sto t bit se ko mluvit mluvit modern e ka myslet na najednou nakupovat narodit se vovat nebo kdy nemocnice nikdy nos nosit novin novinky noviny lka d obchod obraz zek k odbavovac ka odletov hala inek odpoledne okno oko opalovat se t opravit opustit,nechat otec c palubn stek park pasov kontrola ovat o pero pes piano pilot t plavat plavit se plynule tat pod podnos podzim pohlednice pohovka policie politika polovina pomeran popov dat si posledn ,minul poslouchat postel ta schr nka potkat se vat ce pracovn l ka prodava vat proto e telsk ed dat evzet zavazadel ijet,p t jezdov hala t st zavazadlo vat,p da tel tel t t na stroji dio no recep e rodina rok rostlina rozhovor rozum t ryba eka dit sendvi serfovat sestra slavn slovn k et snadn t k t stereo stroja strom c student studen studovat l syn synovec r achy lek aty ek unka it ka taxik telefonn slo teta tlumo k trafika den it se itel unaven vana it era er e rek vedle vesnice t z vlak volejbal t,smrd t vpravo vat ichni,ka t za nat zahrada chod,toaleta zajist pas mco znamn k zde zdrav. sestra zima zmrzlina mka t k zrcadlo vat t