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public class AccessibleStateSet
extends Object
Class AccessibleStateSet determines a components state set. The state set of a component is a set of AccessibleState objects and descriptions the current overall state of the object, such as whether it is enabled, has focus, etc.

See Also:

Variable Index

 o states
Each entry in the Vector represents an AccessibleState.

Constructor Index

 o AccessibleStateSet()
Create a new empty state set.
 o AccessibleStateSet(AccessibleState[])
Create a new state with the initial set of states contained in the array of states passed in.

Method Index

 o add(AccessibleState)
Add a new state to the current state set if it is not already present.
 o addAll(AccessibleState[])
Add all of the states to the existing state set.
 o clear()
Remove all the states from the current state set.
 o contains(AccessibleState)
Check if the current state is in the state set.
 o remove(AccessibleState)
Remove a state from the current state set.
 o toArray()
Returns the current state set as an array of AccessibleState
 o toString()
Create a localized String representing all the states in the set using the default locale.


 o states
 protected Vector states
Each entry in the Vector represents an AccessibleState.

See Also:
add, addAll, remove, contains, toArray, clear


 o AccessibleStateSet
 public AccessibleStateSet()
Create a new empty state set.

 o AccessibleStateSet
 public AccessibleStateSet(AccessibleState states[])
Create a new state with the initial set of states contained in the array of states passed in. Duplicate entries are ignored.

state - an array of AccessibleState describing the state set.


 o add
 public boolean add(AccessibleState state)
Add a new state to the current state set if it is not already present. If the state is already in the state set, the state set is unchanged and the return value is false. Otherwise, the state is added to the state set and the return value is true.

state - the state to add to the state set
true if state is added to the state set; false if the state set is unchanged
 o addAll
 public void addAll(AccessibleState states[])
Add all of the states to the existing state set. Duplicate entries are ignored.

state - AccessibleState array describing the state set.
 o remove
 public boolean remove(AccessibleState state)
Remove a state from the current state set. If the state is not in the set, the state set will be unchanged and the return value will be false. If the state is in the state set, it will be removed from the set and the return value will be true.

state - the state to remove from the state set
true is the state is in the state set; false if the state set will be unchanged
 o clear
 public void clear()
Remove all the states from the current state set.

 o contains
 public boolean contains(AccessibleState state)
Check if the current state is in the state set.

state - the state
true if the state is in the state set; otherwise false
 o toArray
 public AccessibleState[] toArray()
Returns the current state set as an array of AccessibleState

AccessibleState array conatining the current state.
 o toString
 public String toString()
Create a localized String representing all the states in the set using the default locale.

comma separated localized String
toString in class Object
See Also:

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