:Base vcafedb.HLP>visual :Title Visual Cafe Database Development Edition online help :Index dbANYWHERE online help =Dbaw.hlp :Index Visual Cafe Database Development Edition online help =Vcafedb.hlp :Index Visual Cafe online help =Vcafe.hlp :Link Dbaw.hlp :Link vcafe.hlp :Link Vcafedb.hlp :Link vcguide.hlp 1 Using Visual Cafe Database Development Edition Features 2 Welcome to Visual Cafe Database Development Edition=Welcome_to_Visual_Cafe_Database Development Edition@vcafedb.HLP>concept 2 What s New in Version 2.5 of the Database Development Edition=What_New_dbDE_overview 2 Visual Cafe Database Development Edition Overview=Database Development Edition_Extension_Overview@vcafedb.HLP>concept 2 Using the JDBC API=Using_the_JDBC_API@vcafedb.HLP>concept 2 Using the dbANYWHERE API=Using_the_dbANYWHERE_API@vcafedb.HLP>concept 2 Setting the Database Environment Options=database_environment_options_db 2 Using the dbANYWHERE Application=Using_the_dbANYWHERE_application@vcafedb.HLP>concept 2 Adding Database Functionality to a Project=Adding_a_dbAWARE_field_to_an_existing_form 2 Specifying SQL SELECT Statements=Specifying_SQL_SELECT_statements 2 Specifying a JDBC Database Connection URL=Specifying_JDBC_database_connection_URL 2 Opening Projects and Files Developed in Previous Versions=Opening_old_projects 2 JDBC-to-Native Data Type Mapping=Data_type_mapping_overview@vcafedb.HLP>concept 2 Using dbNAVIGATOR to Access Servers and Data Sources 3 Understanding the dbNAVIGATOR Window=dbNAVIGATOR_window@vcafedb.HLP>concept 3 Using the dbNAVIGATOR Pop-Up Menu=dbNAVIGATOR_pop_up_menu 3 Connecting to a dbANYWHERE Server=Connecting_to_a_dbANYWHERE_Server 3 Connecting to a Data Source=Connecting_to_a_database 3 Using More Than One Data Source=Using_more_than_one_Data_Source 3 Disconnecting From a Data Source=Disconnecting_a_database 3 Disconnecting From a dbANYWHERE Server=Disconnecting_from_a_dbANYWHERE_Server 3 Refreshing the dbNAVIGATOR Window=Refreshing_dbNAVIGATOR 3 Creating a Data Source for dbANYWHERE Server=Creating_a_data_source 2 Creating Projects and Tables With Database Wizards 3 Using the Database Wizards=Wizards_using@vcafedb.HLP>concept 3 Creating a dbAWARE Project=Creating_a_dbAWARE_project 3 Creating a New dbAWARE Project and a Data Source Table=Creating_a_data_source_table_from_a_template 3 Adding a Table to Your Project=Adding_a_table_to_your_project 3 Using the Wizard Pages 4 Using the Start Wizard Page=Using_the_Start_wizard_page 4 Using the Project Type Wizard Page=Using_the_Project_Type_wizard_page 4 Using the dbANYWHERE Server Dialog Box and Wizard Page=dbANYWHERE_Server_dialog_box 4 Using the Data Source Wizard Page=Database_dialog_box 4 Using the Database Table Wizard Page=Database_Table_dialog_box 4 Using the Database Columns Wizard Page=Database_Columns_dialog_box 4 Using the Components and Labels Wizard Page=Components_and_Labels_dialog_box 4 Using the Database Operations Wizard Page=Actions_dialog_box 4 Using the Finish Wizard Page=Finish_dialog_box 4 Using the Master View Wizard Page=Master_View_dialog_box 4 Using the dbAWARE Template Wizard Page=Template_dialog_box 2 Creating and Changing Views and Master/Detail Relationships 3 Creating a View=Creating_a_view 3 Changing a View=Changing_a_view 3 Deleting a View=Deleting_a_view@vcafedb.HLP>visual 3 Understanding JDBC Master/Detail Capabilities=Master_detail_JDBC_overview@vcafedb.HLP>concept 3 Managing QueryNavigator Components in a Java Program=QueryNavigator_close_overview@vcafedb.HLP>concept 2 Customizing Database Development Edition Source Code 3 Customizing Database Development Edition Code=Customizing_Database_Development_Edition_code@vcafedb.HLP>concept 3 Managing QueryNavigator Components in a Java Program=QueryNavigator_close_overview@vcafedb.HLP>concept 3 Closing a Form When Its QueryNavigator Closes=Closing_form_when_QueryNavigator_closes_howto 3 Creating Custom Database Logons=Creating_custom_database_logons 3 Creating a Database-Aware Component With a Mediator=Mediator_making_component_database_aware 3 Overriding DML With Stored Procedures=Overriding_DML_with_stored_procedures 3 Using the JDBC Transaction Support Features=JDBC_transaction_support_howto 3 Understanding JDBC Master/Detail Capabilities=Master_detail_JDBC_overview@vcafedb.HLP>concept 3 Handling Exceptions 4 Understanding Exception Handling in Database Development Edition Code=Exception_handling_db_overview@vcafedb.HLP>concept 4 Changing Where Your Java Program Displays Errors=Changing_where_program_errors_display_howto 4 Handling Last Row, First Row, and No Rows Exceptions=Handling_row_exceptions_howto 2 Making Components Database-Aware With Mediators 3 Using Mediators=Mediator_overview@vcafedb.HLP>concept 3 Using a Non-Database-Aware Component With a Mediator=Mediator_with_non_database_component 3 Creating a Database-Aware Component With a Mediator=Mediator_making_component_database_aware 2 Using Grids 3 Adding a Grid Component=Adding_a_Grid_component 3 Changing Grid Cell Attributes=Changing_Grid_Cell_Attributes 3 Changing Grid Column Attributes=Changing_Grid_column_attributes 3 Defining Automatic Grid Redraw=Defining_automatic_Grid_redraw 3 Defining Automatic Grid Row Numbering=Defining_automatic_Grid_row_numbering 3 Modifying the Grid Toolbar=Modifying_the_Grid_toolbar 3 Protecting a Grid Column=Protecting_A_Grid_Column 2 Deploying Your Java Programs 3 Deploying Database-Aware Java Programs=Deploying_database_aware_Java_programs@vcafedb.HLP>concept 2 Using Database Development Edition Dialog Boxes 3 Setting the Database Environment Options=database_environment_options@vcafe.hlp>visual 3 Using the dbANYWHERE Server Dialog Box=dbANYWHERE_Server_dialog_box 3 Using the Join Definition Dialog Box=Join_Definition_dialog_box 3 Using the Logon Dialog Box=Logon_dialog_box 3 Using the SQL Statement Dialog Box=SQL_Statement_dialog_box 2 Database Development Edition Error Messages 3 Error Messages=Visual_Cafe_Pro_error_messages