:Base vcafe.hlp>visual :Title Visual Cafe online help :Index Component Reference =compnts.hlp :Index Visual Cafe Help =Vcafe.hlp :Index Concepts =concepts.hlp :Link compnts.hlp :Link Vcafe.hlp :Link Concepts.hlp :Link Vcguide.hlp 1 Using Visual Cafe Features 2 Welcome to Visual Cafe=Visual_Cafe_welcome_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 2 What s New in Version 2.5=What_New_overview 2 Using Visual Cafe 3 Introduction 4 Overview of Visual Cafe=Overview_of_Visual_Caf@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Visual Cafe Tools=Visual_Cafe_Tools_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Visual Cafe Open APIs=Visual_Cafe_Open_API_overview 4 Developing Programs, Beans, and Libraries in Visual Cafe 5 Assembling Applets=Applets_step_overview 5 Assembling Applications=Applications_step_overview 5 Creating JavaBeans Components in Visual Cafe=Creating_beans_overview 5 Creating Native Executables and DLLs=Creating_native_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Assembling Native GUI Applications=Applications_native_step_overview 5 Assembling Native Console Applications=Applications_native_console_step_overview 5 Assembling Native DLLs=DLLs_native_step_overview 4 Using the Visual Cafe Development Environment 5 Choosing the SDI or MDI Development Environment=SDI_or_MDI_howto 5 Using the MDI Development Environment=MDI_overview 5 Understanding Workspaces=Understanding_Workspaces@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Setting Environment Options=Environment_Options_Dialog_F1 4 Using Visual Cafe Tools 5 Using Visual Cafe Projects=Projects_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Setting Project Options=Project_Options_dialog_F1 5 GUI Development With Visual Cafe=GUI_development_with_Visual_Caf@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Editing Forms in the Form Designer=Form_Designer_F1 5 Menu Creation With the Menu Designer=Using_the_Menu_Editor_F1@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Working With Component Properties=Component_Properties_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Understanding the Java AWT=Working_with_Basic_User_Interface_Components@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Using JFC Swing Components=Working_with_Swing_Components@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Using Visual Cafe Components=Using_VC_components_intro 5 Using the Component Library=Object_Library_F1@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Understanding the Component Palette=Adding_Objects_to_the_Palette_howto@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Understanding Component Interactions=Understanding_Component_Connections_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Tools for Working With Source Code=Visual_Caf_Tools_for_Working_with_Classes_and_Components@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Using HTML Files in the Visual Cafe Environment=HTML_and_Visual_Cafe_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Running a Project=Running_a_Project_howto 5 Understanding the Visual Cafe Debugger=Understanding_the_Visual_Caf_Debugger@vcafe.hlp>concept 3 Working With Projects 4 Using Visual Cafe Projects=Projects_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Creating a New Project=Creating_a_Project_howto 4 Opening an Existing Project=Opening_a_Project_howto 4 Saving, Renaming, Copying, and Deleting a Project=Saving_Renaming_Copying_a_Project_howto 4 Migrating a Project From Version 1.0 to 1.1=Migration_howto 4 Adding a Subproject=Adding_a_Subproject_howto 4 Closing a Project=Closing_a_project_howto 4 Opening Editors From the Project Window=Opening_Editors_in_Project_howto 4 Dragging-and-Dropping into the Project Window=Drag_and_Drop_Behavior_Project_overview 4 Working With Components in a Project 5 Viewing the Components and HTML Files in a Project=Object_Tab_F1 5 Adding a Component to a Project=Adding_objects_to_project_howto 5 Copying a Component in a Project=Copying_a_component_howto 5 Renaming a Component in a Project=Renaming_an_Object_howto 5 Deleting a Component from a Project=Deleting_Objects_from_a_Project_howto 4 Working With Files in a Project 5 Viewing the Files in a Project=Files_Tab_F1 5 Adding a New File to a Project=Adding_a_new_file_to_the_project_howto 5 Adding an Existing File to a Project=Adding_Files_to_a_Project_howto 5 Sorting Files in the Files View=Sorting_Files_in_a_Project_howto 5 Deleting a File From a Project=Deleting_Files_from_a_Project_howto 5 Copying a File in a Project=Copying_a_Project_File_howto 5 Sharing Files Between Projects=Sharing_Forms_and_Files_Between_Projects_howto@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Working With Packages in a Project 5 Viewing the Packages in a Project=Package_Tab_F1 5 Adding Packages to Visual Cafe=Adding_Packages_to_Visual_Cafe_how_to 4 Defining Project Options 5 Setting Project Options=Project_Options_dialog_F1 5 Specifying Whether Builds Are Debug or Final=Setting_the_release_type 5 Setting the Project Type to Applet, Application, or DLL=Setting_the_project_type 5 Specifying What Applets to Run and the HTML File=Specifying_what_applets_to_run 5 Making Applets Run in the Applet Viewer or a Browser=Making_applets_run_in_viewer_or_browser 5 Specifying the main Class to Run for an Application=Specifying_the_application_main 5 Specifying the Name of a Native Application or DLL=Specifying_the_native_name 5 Setting the Working Directory for a Native Program=Setting_native_working_directory 5 Specifying a Program for Running and Debugging a DLL=DLL_debug_program 5 Specifying Arguments for Running an Application=Specifying_application_arguments 5 Specifying Whether to Parse Imports=Specifying_parse_imports 5 Enabling and Disabling RAD=RAD_on_off_howto 5 Specifying Whether to Clear Messages Before Builds=Specifying_messages_clear 5 Setting Compiler Options For a Project=Controlling_Compiler_Information_F1 5 Specifying File Search Paths and the Output Directory=Specifying_the_File_Search_Path_F1 5 Using Version Control=Version_control_F1 5 Setting Debugger Options For a Project=Setting_Debugger_options_F1 5 Debugging Code in a Web Browser=Browser_debug_howto@vcafe.hlp>visual 5 Defining the Visual Cafe Startup Mode=Defining_Visual_Caf_s_Startup_Mode_howto 5 Automating Source File Backups=Automating_project_backups_howto 4 Using Project Templates 5 Working With Templates=Working_with_Templates_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Defining a New Default Template=Defining_a_New_Default_Template_howto 5 Creating a Project Template and Adding It to the Library=Creating_a_Template_howto 5 Deleting a Project Template=Deleting_Templates_from_the_Object_Library_howto 5 Using the Bean Wizard=Bean_Wizard_howto 3 Designing Your GUI With Graphical Tools 4 GUI Development With Visual Cafe=GUI_development_with_Visual_Caf@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Designing a GUI With Visual Cafe=Designing_and_Building_GUIs_with_Visual_Caf 4 Understanding Containers=Understanding_Containers@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 How Visual Cafe Keeps Work Synchronized=How_is_my_Work_Kept_In_Sync_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Designing Forms With the Form Designer 5 Editing Forms in the Form Designer=Form_Designer_F1 5 Adding a Form to a Project=Creating_a_Form_howto 5 Adding Components to a Form and Arranging Them=Forms_adding_objects 5 Dragging-and-Dropping into the Form Designer=Drag_and_Drop_Behavior_FormD_overview 5 Renaming a Component in a Project=Renaming_an_Object_howto 5 Deleting a Component in a Project=Deleting_Objects_from_a_Project_howto 5 Overlapping Components in Applets=Overlapping_components_overview 5 Tabbing Between Fields=Tabbing_Between_Fields_overview 5 Displaying Invisible Components=Displaying_Invisible_Components_howto 4 Designing Menus With the Menu Designer 5 Menu Creation With the Menu Designer=Using_the_Menu_Editor_F1@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Creating Menu Bars and Menus=Editing_Menus_howto 5 Using the Menu Designer Pop-up Menu=Popup_menu_MenuEditor_F1 5 Adding a Menu Bar to a Frame or Dialog=Adding_a_Menu_to_a_Form_howto 5 Adding Menus to a Menu Bar=Adding_a_Menu_to_a_MenuBar_howto 5 Adding Menu Items to Menus=Adding_a_MenuItem_to_a_Menu_howto 5 Adding Submenus=Adding_a_Submenu_howto 5 Editing a Menu Structure=Editing_menu_structure_howto 5 Associating Command Keys and Menu Items=Adding_menu_command_keys_howto 5 Binding Code to a Menu Item=Binding_Code_to_a_Menu_Command_howto 4 Editing Component Properties With the Property List 5 Working With Component Properties=Component_Properties_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Viewing and Changing Component Properties=Property_Inspector_using_F1 4 Arranging Components With and Without Layout Managers 5 Working With Layout Managers=Arranging_Objects_with_Layout_Managers@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Arranging Components in the Form Designer=Arranging_Components_on_a_Form_howto 5 Manipulating the Form Designer Grid=Using_the_Grid_Options_Dialog_F1 3 Using Components 4 Understanding the Java AWT=Working_with_Basic_User_Interface_Components@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Using JFC Swing Components=Working_with_Swing_Components@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Adding a Form to a Project=Creating_a_Form_howto 4 Adding a Dialog=Adding_a_Dialog_howto 4 Working With JavaBeans and the Component Library 5 Using the Component Library=Object_Library_F1@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Using JAR Files in Visual Cafe=Using_JAR_files_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Using ZIP Files in Visual Cafe=Using_ZIP_files_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Adding a Component to the Component Library=Adding_Component_to_Library_howto 5 Adding a Bean to the Component Library=Adding_Bean_to_Library_howto 5 Creating JavaBeans Components in Visual Cafe=Creating_beans_overview 5 Using the Bean Wizard=Bean_Wizard_howto 5 Dynamically Developing JavaBeans Components in Visual Cafe=dynamic_beans_develop_howto 5 Creating a JAR File by Using AutoJAR=Autojar_howto 5 Creating a JAR File by Using the JAR Packager=Creating_jar_howto 5 Specifying JAR Options in the Bundler.properties File=JAR_properties_howto 5 Expanding a JAR File=Expanding_jar_howto 5 Adding Visual Cafe Information to a Bean=Adding_VC_info_to_Bean_howto 5 Converting Component Description Files to JavaBeans=Converting_desc_to_Beans_howto 5 Adding a Group to the Component Library=Adding_Group_to_Library_howto 5 Moving Components in the Component Library=Moving_Objects_in_Component_Library_howto 5 Deleting Components From the Component Library=Deleting_Objects_from_the_Object_Library_howto 5 Viewing and Changing Component Properties=Property_Inspector_using_F1 5 Using a Customizer to Configure a Component on a Form=Customizer_howto 5 Adding Components to a Form and Arranging Them=Forms_adding_objects 5 Creating a Project Template=Creating_a_Template_howto 4 Working With the Palette 5 Understanding the Component Palette=Adding_Objects_to_the_Palette_howto@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Customizing the Component Palette=Palette_F1 5 Using the Component Palette Tab=Customizing_the_Palette_from_the_Palette_Tab_F1 4 Working With Visual Cafe Components 5 Using Visual Cafe Components=Using_VC_components_intro 5 Using Lightweight Components=Using_lightweight_components_overview 5 Utility 6 Using the Timer Component=Using_the_Timer_component_howto 6 Using the Calendar Component=Using_the_Calendar_component_howto 6 Using the TreeView Component=Using_the_TreeView_Component_howto 6 Using the ProgressBar Component=Using_the_ProgressBar_Component_howto 6 Using the StatusScroller Component=Using_the_StatusScroller_component_howto 5 Multimedia 6 Using the SlideShow component=Using_the_SlideShow_Component_howto 6 Using the SoundPlayer Component=Using_the_SoundPlayer_component_howto 6 Using the Emblaze20 Component=Using_the_Emblaze_Component_howto 6 Using the ImageViewer Component=Using_the_ImageViewer_Component_howto 6 Using the ScrollingText Component=Using_the_ScrollingText_component_howto 6 Using the Plasma Component=Using_the_Plasma_Component_howto 6 Using the Firework Component=Using_the_Firework_Component_howto 6 Using the NervousText Component=Using_the_NervousText_Component_howto 6 Using the Animator Component=Using_the_Animator_Component_howto 6 Using the MovingAnimation Component=Using_the_MovingAnimation_Component_howto 5 Additional 6 ImageListBox Component=ImageListBox_component 6 DirectionButton Component=DirectionButton_component 6 MonthSpinner Component=MonthSpinner_component 6 ListSpinner Component=ListSpinner_component 6 LabelHTMLLink Component=LabelHTMLLink_component 6 LabelButton Component=LabelButton_component 6 Using the InvisibleHTMLLink Component=Using_the_InvisibleHTMLLink_component_howto 6 StatusBar Component=StatusBar_component 6 StateCheckBox Component=StateCheckBox_component 6 NumericSpinner Component=NumericSpinner_component 6 WrappingLabel Component=WrappingLabel_component 6 HorizontalSlider and VerticalSlider Components=HorizontalSlider_and_VerticalSlider_components 6 ImageHTMLLink Component=ImageHTMLLink_component 6 Label3D Component=Label3D_component 6 FormattedTextField Component=FormattedTextField_component 6 ComboBox Component=ComboBox_component 6 Using the MultiList Component=Using_the_MultiList_Component_howto 6 DaySpinner Component=DaySpinner_component 6 ImageButton Component=ImageButton_component 6 RollOverButton Component=RollOverButton_component 6 InvisibleButton Component=InvisibleButton_component 5 Panels 6 Using the TabPanel Container=Using_the_TabPanel_Container_howto 6 Using the ToolBarPanel and ToolBarSpacer Components=Using_the_ToolBarPanel_Container_howto 6 Using the KeyPressManagerPanel Container=Using_the_KeyPressManagerPanel_Container_howto 6 Using the BorderPanel Container=Using_the_BorderPanel_Container_howto 6 Using the ScrollingPanel Container=Using_the_ScrollingPanel_Component_howto 6 Using the RadioButtonGroupPanel Container=Using_the_RadioButtonGroupPanel_Component_howto 6 Using the ImagePanel Container=Using_the_ImagePanel_Component_howto 6 Using the SplitterPanel Container=Using_the_SplitterPanel_Component_howto 3 Creating Component Interactions 4 Understanding Component Interactions=Understanding_Component_Connections_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Using the Interaction Wizard=Using_the_Interaction_Wizard_F1 4 Creating a Component Interaction=Connecting_Form_components_howto 4 Changing an Existing Interaction=Changing_a_connection_howto 4 Deleting an Interaction=Deleting_a_connection_howto 3 Working With Java Source Code 4 Tools for Working With Source Code=Visual_Caf_Tools_for_Working_with_Classes_and_Components@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Using the Source Window=Source_Window_F1 4 Using the Class Browser=Class_Browser_using_F1 4 Using the Hierarchy Editor=Hierarchy_Editor_F1 4 How Visual Cafe Keeps Work Synchronized=How_is_my_Work_Kept_In_Sync_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Using ZIP Files in Visual Cafe=Using_ZIP_files_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Adding Packages to Visual Cafe=Adding_Packages_to_Visual_Cafe_how_to 4 Adding Code to a Java Source File 5 Adding a New File to a Project=Adding_a_new_file_to_the_project_howto 5 Adding Code to a Java Source File=Adding_Code_to_a_Java_Source_File_howto 5 Correcting Your Source Code=Correcting_your_Source_Code 5 Binding Code to a Component=Binding_Code_to_a_Form_Component_howto 5 Binding Code to a Menu Item=Binding_Code_to_a_Menu_Command_howto 5 Binding KeyPress Events=Programming_Hot_Keys_how_to 4 Editing and Searching in a File 5 Searching and Replacing in the Source Window=Editing_SearchReplace_overview 5 Selecting Text=Editing_Selecting_Text_overview 5 Toggling Overtype and Insert Typing Modes=Editing_typing_mode_overview 5 Indenting Code Automatically=Editing_indentation_overview 5 Wrapping Lines of Code=Editing_wordwrap_overview 5 Specifying Text Formatting for Visual Cafe Windows=Defining_auto_filetype_formatting_F1_howto 5 Mapping Visual Cafe Commands to Key Sequences=Mapping_commmands_to_keyboard_F1_howto 5 Specifying Key Editing Options for the Source Editor=Keyboard_MoreBut_dialog_F1 5 Specifying Code Editing Options=Customizing_Editing_windows_Editing_tab_F1 5 Customizing the Font and Color of Visual Cafe Windows=Customizing_your_enviro_appearance_Display_tab_F1_howto 5 Specifying Backup and Save Options=Defining_Save_and_Backup_Options_Saving_Tab_F1 4 Working With Classes 5 Finding a Class or Class Definition=Finding_a_class_howto 5 Adding a New Class=Adding_a_class_howto 5 Editing a Class=Editing_a_class_howto 5 Using the Class Wizard=Insert_class_dialog_F1 5 Copying or Moving a Class=Copying_a_class_howto 5 Renaming a Class=Renaming_a_class_howto 5 Deleting a Class=Deleting_a_class_howto 5 Changing a Class Inheritance=Deleting_a_Class_Inheritance_howto 5 Controlling Class Display in the Class Browser=Class_Display_in_Class_Browser_howto 5 Viewing Imports in the Hierarchy Editor=Viewing_Imports_Hierarchy_Editor_howto 5 The main Class in Bytecode and Native Applications=Native_application_main@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Working With Members 5 Finding a Method or Data Variable=Finding_a_member_howto 5 Adding a Method or Data Variable=Adding_methods_ClassBrowser_howto 5 Editing a Method or Data Variable=Editing_a_member_howto 5 Copying or Moving a Method or Data Variable=Copying_a_member_howto 5 Renaming a Method or Data Variable=Renaming_a_member_howto 5 Deleting a Method or Data Variable=Deleting_a_member_howto 5 Controlling Member Display in the Class Browser=Member_Display_in_Class_Browser_howto 4 Working With Events 5 Adding an Event to a Component=Adding_an_Event_to_Component_howto 5 Editing an Event Handler=Editing_Event_Methods_howto 5 Deleting an Event Handler=Deleting_an_Event_Handler_howto 5 Migrating a Java File From the 1.0 to 1.1 Event Model=Migrating_10_to_11_event_model_howto 5 Accessing a Listener From Outside an init Method or Application Constructor=Listener_Accessing_Outside_howto 4 Working With Interactions 5 Changing an Existing Interaction=Changing_a_connection_howto 5 Deleting an Interaction=Deleting_a_connection_howto 4 Working With Native Win32 Applications and DLLs 5 Registering DLLs With SNJREG=SNJREG_howto 5 Linking Native Win32 Applications=Linking_native_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Native Libraries and DLLs Included With Visual Cafe=Native_libraries_and_DLLs_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 3 Working With HTML Files 4 Using HTML Files in the Visual Cafe Environment=HTML_and_Visual_Cafe_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 The Relationship Between Java and HTML=Java_HTML_and_Visual_Caf@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Adding a New File to a Project=Adding_a_new_file_to_the_project_howto 4 Adding an Existing File to a Project=Adding_Files_to_a_Project_howto 4 Viewing and Editing HTML Files=Viewing_HTML_Files_howto 4 Using the Source Window=Source_Window_F1 4 Adding an Applet to an HTML page=Adding_an_Applet_to_an_HTML_page_howto 4 Specifying What Applets to Run and the HTML File=Specifying_what_applets_to_run 4 Making Applets Run in the Applet Viewer or a Browser=Making_applets_run_in_viewer_or_browser 4 Deleting a File From a Project=Deleting_Files_from_a_Project_howto 4 Copying a File in a Project=Copying_a_Project_File_howto 4 Sharing Files Between Projects=Sharing_Forms_and_Files_Between_Projects_howto@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Editing and Searching in a File 5 Searching and Replacing in the Source Window=Editing_SearchReplace_overview 5 Selecting Text=Editing_Selecting_Text_overview 5 Toggling Overtype and Insert Typing Modes=Editing_typing_mode_overview 5 Indenting Code Automatically=Editing_indentation_overview 5 Wrapping Lines of Code=Editing_wordwrap_overview 5 Specifying Text Formatting in Visual Cafe Windows=Defining_auto_filetype_formatting_F1_howto 5 Mapping Visual Cafe Commands to Key Sequences=Mapping_commmands_to_keyboard_F1_howto 5 Specifying Key Editing Options for the Source Editor=Keyboard_MoreBut_dialog_F1 5 Specifying Code Editing Options=Customizing_Editing_windows_Editing_tab_F1 5 Customizing the Font and Color of Visual Cafe Windows=Customizing_your_enviro_appearance_Display_tab_F1_howto 5 Specifying Backup and Save Options=Defining_Save_and_Backup_Options_Saving_Tab_F1 3 Compiling and Running Applets and Applications 4 Running a Project=Running_a_Project_howto 4 Setting Project Options=Project_Options_dialog_F1 4 Controlling Compiler Information=Controlling_Compiler_Information_F1 4 Correcting Your Source Code=Correcting_your_Source_Code 4 Compiling From the Command Line=Compiling_command_line 4 The main Class in Bytecode and Native Applications=Native_application_main@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Linking Native Win32 Applications=Linking_native_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Native Libraries and DLLs Included With Visual Cafe=Native_libraries_and_DLLs_overview 4 Registering DLLs With SNJREG=SNJREG_howto 3 Debugging Applets and Applications 4 Understanding the Visual Cafe Debugger=Understanding_the_Visual_Caf_Debugger@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Debugging Applets and Applications=Debugging_Applets_and_Applications@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Working With Exceptions in Java and Visual Cafe=Working_with_Exceptions_in_Java_and_Visual_Caf@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Incremental Debugging Features=Incremental_debugging_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Native Debugging Features=Native_debugging_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Using the Debug Toolbar=Toolbars_debug_F1 4 Setting Debugging Options for the Environment=Setting_Environment_Options_Debugging_tab_F1 4 Setting Debugger Options For a Project=Setting_Debugger_options_F1 4 Debugging Code in a Web Browser=Browser_debug_howto@vcafe.hlp>visual 4 Running the Debugger 5 Debugging Your Program=Debugging_Your_Program@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Handing Control to Your Program=Handing_Control_to_your_Program@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Running Your Program in the Debugger=Running_your_Program 5 Running to the First Line=Running_to_First_Line 5 Running to the Program End=Running_to_Program_End 5 Running to the Cursor Location=Running_to_the_Cursor_Location 5 Pausing a Program in the Debugger=Pausing_a_Program 5 Resuming a Program in the Debugger=Resuming_a_Program 5 Restarting a Program in the Debugger=Restarting_a_Program 5 Stopping a Debug Session=Stopping_a_Program 5 Setting Debugger Options for a Project=Setting_Debugger_options_F1 5 Setting Debugging Options for the Environment=Setting_Environment_Options_Debugging_tab_F1 5 Setting Project Options=Project_Options_dialog_F1 4 Working With Debugger Windows 5 Using the Source Window=Source_Window_F1 5 Using the Class Browser=Class_Browser_using_F1 5 Using the Messages Window=F1_Messages_Window 5 Using the Variables Window=F1_Variables_Window 5 Using the Calls Window=F1_Call_Stack_Window 5 Using the Breakpoints Window=F1_Breakpoints_Window 5 Using the Watch Window=F1_Watch_Window 5 Using the Threads Window=F1_Thread_Window 4 Changing Source Code 5 Correcting Your Source Code=Correcting_your_Source_Code 5 Using the Source Window While Debugging=Using_the_Source_Window@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Using Version Control=Version_control_F1 4 Using Breakpoints 5 Setting Breakpoints=Setting_Breakpoints@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Managing Breakpoints=Managing_Breakpoints@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Setting a Breakpoint=Setting_a_Breakpoint 5 Setting a Breakpoint at a Line Number=Setting_a_Breakpoint_on_a_Line_Number 5 Setting a Breakpoint at a Method=Setting_a_Breakpoint_on_a_Method_Name 5 Setting a Breakpoint at a Variable or Expression=Setting_a_Breakpoint_on_a_Variable_or_Expression 5 Setting a Conditional Breakpoint=Setting_a_Conditional_Breakpoint 5 Clearing a Breakpoint=Clearing_a_Breakpoint 5 Enabling or Disabling a Breakpoint=Enabling_or_Disabling_a_Breakpoint 5 Toggling a Breakpoint=Toggling_a_Breakpoint 5 Modifying a Conditional Breakpoint=Modifying_a_Conditional_Breakpoint 5 Ignoring All Breakpoints=Ignoring_Breakpoints 5 Viewing Source for a Breakpoint=Viewing_Source_for_a_Breakpoint 5 Stepping Through Code When the Program Is Paused=Stepping_Through_Code_When_the_Program_is_Paused@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Stepping Into a Method=Stepping_into_a_Method 5 Stepping Over a Method=Stepping_over_a_Method 5 Stepping Out of a Method=Stepping_out_of_a_Method 4 Debugging Variables, Expressions, and Methods 5 Viewing and Modifying Variables=Viewing_and_Modifying_Variables@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Viewing the Value of a Variable=Viewing_the_Value_of_a_Variable 5 Viewing Type Information for a Variable=Viewing_Type_Information_for_a_Variable 5 Watching Variables and Expressions=Watching_Variables_and_Expressions@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Watching a Variable or Expression=Watching_a_Variable_or_Expression 5 Adding a Variable in the Watch Window=Adding_a_variable_in_watch_window_howto 5 Modifying a Variable or Expression in the Watch Window=Modifying_a_Variable_or_Expression_in_the_Watch_Window 5 Deleting a Variable or Expression from the Watch Window=Deleting_a_Variable_or_Expression_from_the_Watch_Window 5 Modifying a Variable in the Variables Window=Modifying_a_Variable_in_the_Variables_Window 5 Viewing Parameters for a Method on the Call Stack=Viewing_Parameters_for_a_Method_on_the_Call_Stack 5 Viewing Variables for a Method on the Call Stack=Viewing_Variables_for_a_Method_on_the_Call_Stack 5 Viewing Source for a Method on the Call Stack=Viewing_Source_for_a_Method_on_the_Call_Stack 4 Debugging Threads 5 Working With Threads=Working_with_Threads@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Debugging Threads=Debugging_Threads@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Debugging a Single Thread=Debugging_a_Single_Thread 5 Suspending a Thread=Suspending_a_Thread 5 Resuming a Suspended Thread=Resuming_a_Suspended_Thread 5 Suspending Other Threads=Suspending_Other_Threads 5 Resuming Other Suspended Threads=Resuming_Other_Suspended_Threads 5 Viewing Source for a Selected Thread=Viewing_Source_for_a_Selected_Thread 5 Viewing the Active Variables in a Thread=Viewing_the_Active_Variables_in_a_Thread 5 Viewing the Call Stack for a Thread=Viewing_the_Call_Stack_for_a_Thread 4 Debugging Remotely 5 Debugging Remotely=Debugging_Remotely@vcafe.hlp>concept 5 Starting Remote Program Debugging=Starting_Remote_Applet_Application_Debugging 5 Ending Remote Program Debugging=Ending_Remote_Applet_Application_Debugging 4 Debugging Native Applications and DLLs 5 Specifying a Program for Running and Debugging a DLL=DLL_debug_program 3 Deploying Applets and Applications 4 Deploying Applets=Deploying_Applets_how_to 4 Deploying Applications=Deploying_Applications_how_to 4 Creating a JAR File=Creating_jar_howto 4 Determining What Class Files an Applet or Application Needs=Determining_What_Class_Files_an_Applet_or_Application_Needs_how_to 4 Configuring UNIX-based Web Servers=Configuring_UNIX-based_Web_Servers_how_to 4 Deploying Native Applications=Deploying_Native_Applications_howto 4 Deploying DLLs and Libraries=Deploying_DLLs_howto 4 Registering DLLs With SNJREG=SNJREG_howto 4 Native Libraries and DLLs Included With Visual Cafe=Native_libraries_and_DLLs_overview 3 Working With Java Code Not Created in Visual Cafe 4 Adding an Existing File to a Project=Adding_Files_to_a_Project_howto 4 Importing Cafe Projects into Visual Cafe=Converting_cafe_apps_to_VCafe_howto 4 Importing Visual J++ Projects into Visual Cafe=Importing_VJ++_howto 4 Considerations When Importing Visual J++ Projects=Considerations_import_J++_concept@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Adding Packages to Visual Cafe=Adding_Packages_to_Visual_Cafe_how_to 4 Adding a Bean to the Component Library=Adding_Bean_to_Library_howto 3 Customizing Your Visual Cafe Environment 4 Development Environment Customization=Environment_customization_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Visual Cafe Workspaces=Workspace_customization_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Setting Environment Options=Environment_Options_Dialog_F1 4 Setting Project Options=Project_Options_dialog_F1 4 Modifying Workspaces=Workspaces_AUD_howto 4 Defining the Visual Cafe Startup Mode=Defining_Visual_Caf_s_Startup_Mode_howto 4 Finding Java Source Files=Finding_Java_source_howto 4 Defining the Help File Set=Defining_the_Help_File_Set_howto 4 Choosing the SDI or MDI Development Environment=SDI_or_MDI_howto 4 Using the MDI Development Environment=MDI_overview 4 Using Visual Cafe Version 2.1 Menus=Using_older_menus_howto 4 Setting Debugging Options for the Environment=Setting_Environment_Options_Debugging_tab_F1 4 Specifying Text Formatting for Visual Cafe Windows=Defining_auto_filetype_formatting_F1_howto 4 Mapping Visual Cafe Commands to Key Sequences=Mapping_commmands_to_keyboard_F1_howto 4 Specifying Key Editing Options for the Source Editor=Keyboard_MoreBut_dialog_F1 4 Customizing the Font and Color in Visual Cafe Windows=Customizing_your_enviro_appearance_Display_tab_F1_howto 4 Saving Files for Recovery Purposes=Saving_files_for_recovery_howto 4 Automating Source File Backups=Automating_project_backups_howto 4 Setting the Scope of the Undo Command=Setting_the_Scope_of_the_Undo_Command_howto 4 Specifying Code Editing Options=Customizing_Editing_windows_Editing_tab_F1 4 Setting the Cursor Style=Setting_the_cursor_style_howto 4 Using the Component Palette Tab=Customizing_the_Palette_from_the_Palette_Tab_F1 4 Controlling Toolbar Position and Visibility=Controlling_Position_and_Visibility_howto 4 Defining a New Default Template=Defining_a_New_Default_Template_howto 4 Setting Environment Variables in the Sc.ini File=Setting_Environment_Variables_in_scini_howto 3 Using Advanced Native Features (Professional Edition Only) 4 Using OPTLINK and SMAKE With Java Programs=Using_OPTLINK_and_SMAKE_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 4 Linking With OPTLINK 5 Introducing OPTLINK 6 OPTLINK Overview=OI_OPTLINK_OVERVIEW_JT 6 OPTLINK Features=OI_OPTLINK_FEATURES_JT 6 Setup of the OPTLINK Linker=OI_SETUP_OPTLINK_LINKER_JT 6 DLL Version of OPTLINK=OI_DLL_VERSION_OPTLINK_JT 6 Optimizing Linker Performance=OI_OPTIMIZ_LINKER_PERMANCE_JT 5 Using OPTLINK 6 Operational Modes=OU_OPERAAL_MODES_JT 6 Command Line and Interactive Operation=OU_COMM_LINE_INTERACTIVE_OPERA_JT 6 Examples of Command Line Operation=OU_EXAMPLES_COMM_LINE_OPERA_JT 6 Examples of Interactive Operation=OU_EXAMPLES_INTERACTIVE_OPERA_JT 6 Indirect File Operation=OU_INDIRECT_FILE_OPERA_JT 6 Example of Indirect File Operation=OU_EXAMPLE_INDIRECT_FILE_OPERA_JT 6 Command Formats and File Names=OU_COMM_MATS_FILE_NAMES_JT 5 OPTLINK Switches 6 Number Representation=OO_NUMBER_REPRESENTA_JT 6 OPTLINK Option Switch Overview=OO_OPTLINK_OP_SWITCH_OVERVIEW_JT 6 Unsupported Microsoft LINK Switches=OO_UNSUPPORTED_MICROST_LINK_SWITCHES_JT 6 Using OPTLINK Option Switches=OO_US_OPTLINK_OP_SWITCHES_JT 5 Definition File Directives 6 Definition File=OD_DEFINI_FILE_JT 6 Directive Overview and List=OD_DIRECTIVE_OVERVIEW_JT 6 Using Definition File Directives=OD_US_DEFINI_FILE_DIRECTIVES_JT 5 OPTLINK Operation and Design 6 Linker Operation=OG_LINKER_OPERA_JT 6 Modularly Designed Programs=OG_MODULARLY_DESIGNED_PROGRAMS_JT 6 Source File Design=OG_SOURCE_FILE_DESIGN_JT 6 Object Module Library Design=OG_OBJECT_MODULE_LIBRARY_DESIGN_JT 6 Library Searching=OG_LIBRARY_SEARCH_JT 6 OPTLINK Functionality 7 Reading Object Modules=OG_READ_OBJECT_MODULES_JT 7 Search Library Link=OG_SEARCH_LIBRARY_LINK_JT 6 Segment Addresses 7 Assigning Segment Addresses=OG_ASSIGN_SEGMENT_ADDRESSES_JT 7 Segment Re-Ordering=OG_SEGMENT_RE_ORDER_JT 7 Collecting Relocation Information=OG_COLLECT_RELOCA_INMA_JT 7 Assigning Public Addresses=OG_ASSIGN_PUBLIC_ADDRESSES_JT 7 Reconciling Address References=OG_RECONCIL_ADDRESS_REFERENCES_JT 7 Writing Output Files=OG_WRIT_OUTPUT_FILES_JT 5 OPTLINK Errors 6 About OPTLINK Error Messages=LE_OPTLINK_ERROR_JT 6 How OPTLINK Errors Are Displayed=LE_ERRORS_ARE_DISPLAYED_JT 6 Warning Messages=LE_WARNING_MESSAGES_JT 6 Non-Fatal Error Messages=LE_NONFATAL_ERROR_MESSAGES_JT 6 Fatal Error Messages=LE_FATAL_ERROR_MESSAGES_JT 4 Managing Code With SMAKE 5 SMAKE Overview=SK_SMAKE_OVERVIEW_JT 5 The Components of Makefiles 6 Writing Makefiles=SK_WRIT_MAKEFILES_JT 6 Example of a Simple Makefile=SK_EXAMPLE_SIMPLE_MAKEFILE_JT 6 Makefile Syntax=SK_MAKEFILE_SYNTAX_JT 6 Dependence Line Syntax=SK_DEPENDENCE_LINE_SYNTAX_JT 6 Special Characters in Makefiles=SK_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS_MAKEFILES_JT 6 Running SMAKE=SK_RUNN_SMAKE_JT 5 Syntax, Options, and Targets 6 SMAKE Command Line Syntax and Command Options=SK_SMAKE_COMM_LINE_SYNTAX_COMM_OPS_JT 6 Specifying What Targets to Build=SK_SPECIFY_WHAT_TARGETS_TO_BUILD_JT 5 Rules for How SMAKE Chooses Dependency Files 6 Choosing Dependency Files=SK_CHOOS_DEPENDENCY_FILES_JT 6 Producing Dependency Lists with MAKEDEP=SK_PRODUC_DEPENDENCY_LISTSMAKEDEP_JT 6 Including Files=SK_INCLUD_FILES_JT 5 Using Macros in Makefiles 6 Defining Macros=SK_DEFIN_MACROS_JT 6 Examples of When to Use Macros=SK_EXAMPLES_WHEN_TO_USE_MACROS_JT 6 Comments in Macros=SK_COMMENTS_MACROS_JT 6 Specifying Text to Be Substituted=SK_SPECIFY_TEXT_TO_BE_SUBSTITUTED_JT 6 Overriding Macros on the Command Line=SK_OVERRID_MACROS_COMM_LINE_JT 6 Recursively Defined Macros=SK_RECURSIVELY_DEFINED_MACROS_JT 6 Predefined Macros=SK_PREDEFINED_MACROS_JT 6 Macro Precedence=SK_MACRO_PRECEDENCE_JT 5 System Commands 6 Using Operating System Commands=SK_US_OPERAT_SYSTEM_COMMS_JT 5 SMAKE Preprocessing Directives 6 About Preprocessing Directives=SK_PREPROCESS_DIRECTIVES_JT 6 ! (Exclaim) Preprocessing Directives=SK_EXCLAIM_PREPROCESS_DIRECTIVES_JT 6 . (Period) Preprocessing Directives=SK_PERIOD_PREPROCESS_DIRECTIVES_JT 6 Expressions in Preprocessing Directives=SK_EXPRESSIONS_PREPROCESS_DIRECTIVES_JT 6 Operators in Makefiles=SK_OPERATORS_MAKEFILES_JT 6 Running Programs With Preprocessing Directives=SK_RUNN_PROGRAMSPREPROCESS_DIRECTIVES_JT 5 SMAKE Inference Rules 6 Inference Rules Overview=SK_INFERENCE_RULES_OVERVIEW_JT 6 When SMAKE Applies Inference Rules=SK_WHEN_SMAKE_APPLIES_INFERENCE_RULES_JT 6 Inference Rule Syntax=SK_INFERENCE_RULE_SYNTAX_JT 6 How Inference Rules Work=SK_HOW_INFERENCE_RULES_WORK_JT 6 Predefined Inference Rules=SK_PREDEFINED_INFERENCE_RULES_JT 5 Customizing SMAKE Sessions 6 Customizing SMAKE Sessions with tools.ini=SK_CUSTOMIZ_SMAKE_SESSIONSTOOLSINI_JT 6 Creating Response Files=SK_CREAT_RESPONSE_FILES_JT 6 Changing Dates with TOUCH=SK_CHANG_DATESTOUCH_JT 5 SMAKE Errors 6 SMAKE Error Messages=SE_SMAKE_ERROR_JT 4 Other Utilities 5 Building an Import Library: IMPLIB=UL_BUILD_IMPORT_LIBRARY_IMPLIB_JT 5 Analyzing Library and Object Files: LIBUNRES=UL_ANALYZE_LIBRARY_OBJECT_FILES_LIBUNRES_JT 5 Disassembling Object Files: OBJ2ASM=UL_DISASSEMBL_OBJECT_FILES_OBJ2ASM_JT 5 Unmangling Identifier Names: UNMANGLE=UL_UNMANGL_IDENTIFIER_NAMES_UNMANGLE_JT 5 Displaying the Contents of Binary Files: OPTDUMP=OPTDUMP_howto 5 Displaying the Component Version: Cafever=Cafever_howto 5 Converting coff Object Files to omf: coff2omf=coff2omf_howto 2 Assembling an Applet 3 Assembling Applets=Applets_step_overview 3 Creating a Project=Creating_a_Project_howto 3 Designing a GUI With Visual Cafe=Designing_and_Building_GUIs_with_Visual_Caf@vcafe.hlp>concept 3 Adding Code to a Java Source File=Adding_Code_to_a_Java_Source_File_howto 3 Setting Project Options=Project_Options_dialog_F1 3 Running a Project=Running_a_Project_howto 3 Debugging Your Program=Debugging_Your_Program 3 Adding an Applet to an HTML page=Adding_an_Applet_to_an_HTML_page_howto 3 Deploying Applets=Deploying_Applets_how_to 2 Assembling an Application 3 Assembling Applications=Applications_step_overview 3 Creating a Project=Creating_a_Project_howto 3 Designing a GUI With Visual Cafe=Designing_and_Building_GUIs_with_Visual_Caf@vcafe.hlp>concept 3 Adding Code to a Java Source File=Adding_Code_to_a_Java_Source_File_howto 3 Setting Project Options=Project_Options_dialog_F1 3 Running a Project=Running_a_Project_howto 3 Debugging Your Program=Debugging_Your_Program 3 Deploying Applications=Deploying_Applications_how_to 2 Assembling a Native GUI Application 3 Assembling Native GUI Applications=Applications_native_step_overview 3 Creating a Project=Creating_a_Project_howto 3 Designing a GUI With Visual Cafe=Designing_and_Building_GUIs_with_Visual_Caf@vcafe.hlp>concept 3 Adding Code to a Java Source File=Adding_Code_to_a_Java_Source_File_howto 3 Setting Project Options=Project_Options_dialog_F1 3 Running a Project=Running_a_Project_howto 3 Linking Native Win32 Applications=Linking_native_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 3 Debugging Your Program=Debugging_Your_Program 3 Deploying Native Applications=Deploying_Native_Applications_howto 3 Registering DLLs With SNJREG=SNJREG_howto 2 Assembling a Native Console Application 3 Assembling Native Console Applications=Applications_native_console_step_overview 3 Creating a Project=Creating_a_Project_howto 3 Adding Code to a Java Source File=Adding_Code_to_a_Java_Source_File_howto 3 Setting Project Options=Project_Options_dialog_F1 3 Running a Project=Running_a_Project_howto 3 Linking Native Win32 Applications=Linking_native_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 3 Debugging Your Program=Debugging_Your_Program 3 Deploying Native Applications=Deploying_Native_Applications_howto 3 Registering DLLs With SNJREG=SNJREG_howto 2 Assembling a Native DLL 3 Assembling Native DLLs=DLLs_native_step_overview 3 Creating a Project=Creating_a_Project_howto 3 Designing a GUI With Visual Cafe=Designing_and_Building_GUIs_with_Visual_Caf@vcafe.hlp>concept 3 Adding Code to a Java Source File=Adding_Code_to_a_Java_Source_File_howto 3 Setting Project Options=Project_Options_dialog_F1 3 Running a Project=Running_a_Project_howto 3 Linking Native Win32 Applications=Linking_native_overview@vcafe.hlp>concept 3 Debugging Your Program=Debugging_Your_Program 3 Deploying DLLs and Libraries=Deploying_DLLs_howto 3 Registering DLLs With SNJREG=SNJREG_howto 2 Creating Custom JavaBeans Components 3 Creating JavaBeans Components in Visual Cafe=Creating_beans_overview 3 Dynamically Developing JavaBeans Components in Visual Cafe=dynamic_beans_develop_howto@vcafe.hlp>visual 3 Creating a Project=Creating_a_Project_howto 3 Adding Code to a Java Source File=Adding_Code_to_a_Java_Source_File_howto 3 Converting Component Description Files to JavaBeans=Converting_desc_to_Beans_howto 3 Adding Visual Cafe Information to a Bean=Adding_VC_info_to_Bean_howto 3 Creating a JAR File=Creating_jar_howto 3 Expanding a JAR file=Expanding_jar_howto@vcafe.hlp>visual 3 Viewing a JAR file=viewing_jar_howto@vcafe.hlp>visual 3 Adding a Bean to the Component Library=Adding_Bean_to_Library_howto 3 Using AutoJAR with JavaBeans Components=Autojar_howto@vcafe.hlp>visual 2 Visual Cafe Windows and Dialogs 3 Visual Cafe Main Window=Visual_Cafe_window_F1 3 Environment Options Dialog=Environment_Options_Dialog_F1 3 Toolbar and Palette Position and Visibility=Controlling_Position_and_Visibility_howto 3 Visual Cafe Tools=Visual_Cafe_Tools_overview 3 Visual Cafe Workspaces=Workspace_customization_overview 3 Visual Cafe Windows and Wizard 4 Class Browser=Class_Browser_using_F1 4 Component Library=Object_Library_F1 4 Form Designer=Form_Designer_F1 4 Hierarchy Editor=Hierarchy_Editor_F1 4 Interaction Wizard=Using_the_Interaction_Wizard_F1 4 Project Window=Projects_overview 4 Property List=Property_Inspector_using_F1 4 Source Window=Source_Window_F1 4 Debugging Windows 5 Breakpoints Window=F1_Breakpoints_Window 5 Call Stack Window=F1_Call_Stack_Window 5 Message Window=F1_Messages_Window 5 Threads Window=F1_Thread_Window 5 Variables Window=F1_Variables_Window 5 Watch Window=F1_Watch_Window 3 Visual Cafe Dialogs 4 Add to Library Dialog=Add_to_Libray_dialog_F1 4 Compare Files Dialog=Compare_Files_Dialog_F1 4 Conditional Breakpoint Dialog=Conditional_breakpoint_dialog_F1 4 Create Project Template Dialog=Using_the_Create_Template_Dialog_F1 4 Custom Keywords Dialog=Custom_keywords_dialog_F1 4 Enter New File Extension Dialog=Format_NewBut_dialog_F1 4 Evaluate Expression Dialog=Evaluate_Expressions_dialog_F1 4 Environment Options Dialog=Environment_Options_Dialog_F1 4 Find Dialog=Find_dialog_F1 4 Find in Files Dialog=Find_in_Files_dialog_F1 4 Format Options Dialog=Format_Options_Dialog_F1 4 Go To Buffer Dialog=GoTo_Buffer_Dialog_F1 4 Go to Function Dialog=Goto_Function_F1 4 Go to Line Dialog=Goto_Line_Window_F1 4 Grid Options Dialog=Using_the_Grid_Options_Dialog_F1 4 Image Dialog=Using_the_Image_Dialog_F1 4 Insert Applet Dialog=Insert_Applet_dialog_F1 4 Insert Class Dialog=Insert_class_dialog_F1 4 Insert Form Dialog=Insert_form_dialog_F1 4 Insert Member Dialog=Insert_Member_dialog_F1 4 Insert Object Dialog=Insert_Object_dialog_F1 4 Insert/Remove Files Dialog=Add_Remove_Files_Dialog_F1 4 Keyboard Emulation Dialog=Keyboard_MoreBut_dialog_F1 4 Member Attributes Dialog=Member_Attributes_dialog_F1 4 New Project Dialog=New_Project_dialog_F1 4 Open File Dialog=Open_File_Dialog_F1 4 Project Options Dialog=Project_Options_dialog_F1 4 Replace Dialog=Replace_dialog_F1 4 Save File Dialog=HIDD_FILESAVE 4 Save Key Bindings Dialog=Keyboard_saveBut_dialog_F1 4 ScriptMaker Dialog=ScriptMaker_dialog_F1 4 URL Chooser Dialog=Using_the_URLChooser_Dialog_F1 4 Windows Dialog=Windows_Dialog_F1 2 Command Reference 3 Visual Cafe Toolbars=Toolbars_visual_F1 3 Visual Cafe Menus=Menus_F1 3 Standard Menus 4 Edit Menu=Edit_Menu_F1 4 File Menu=File_Menu_F1 4 Help Menu=Help_Menu_F1 4 Insert Menu=Insert_Menu_F1 4 Project Menu=Project_Menu_F1 4 Search Menu=Search_Menu_F1 4 Tools Menu=Tools_Menu_F1 4 View Menu=View_Menu_F1 4 Window Menu=Window_Menu_F1 3 Tool-Specific Menus 4 Breakpoint Menu=Breakpoint_Menu_F1 4 Calls Menu=Call_Menu_F1 4 Classes Menu=Classes_Menu_F1 4 Hierarchy Menu=Hierarchy_Menu_F1 4 Layout Menu=Layout_Menu_F1 4 Object Menu=Object_Menu_F1 4 Run Menu=Run_Menu_F1 4 Source Menu=Source_Menu_F1 4 Threads Menu=Thread_Menu_F1 4 Variables Menu=Variables_Menu_F1 3 Pop-up Menus 4 Class Pane Pop-up Menu=Popup_menu_Class_Pane_F1 4 Component Library Pop-up Menu=Popup_menu_Object_Library_F1 4 Editing Window Pop-up Menu=Popup_menu_Source_Editor_F1 4 Files View Pop-up Menu=Popup_menu_Projwin_File_F1 4 Form Designer Pop-up Menu=Popup_menu_Form_Designer_F1 4 Hierarchy Editor Pop-up Menus=Popup_menu_Hierarchy_Editor_F1 4 Member Pane Pop-up Menu=Popup_menu_Member_Pane_F1 4 Menu Editor Pop-up Menu=Popup_menu_MenuEditor_F1 4 Objects View Pop-up Menu=Popup_menu_Projwin_Object_F1 4 Packages View Pop-up Menu=Popup_menu_Projwin_Package_F1 4 Project Window Tabs Pop-up Menu=Popup_menu_Projwin_tab_F1