History Changes for CD Box Labeler 98 Version 2.4.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A whole new (and I hope), more user-friendly interface 2. Online Help 3. A Wizard that helps you make your CD Labels fast and easy 4. You can now stretch the "Back Side" picture to fit over the spine text 5. You can load pictures over "spine text" 6. A Toolbar for easy navigation with pop-up help 7. A easy to use Pop-Up Menu (activated with the right mouse button) 8. Save & Load function to save your work for later use 9. You can now change the font, size, colors On the spine text (The CD Name) 10. Undo Function added to the textbox, when you edit your text 11. I have reworked the printing routine, the program now talks directly to the windows printer, this will have affects on color printers with high resolution. You will notice a better printout quality 12. The printout is now done on one(1) piece of paper (by popular demand) 13. Added Shortcut Commands to some functions in the menu ----------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.4.2 - 2.4.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Not a public release ----------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.4.4 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fixed the error when try to do a printout with some HP Color Printers 2. Double-click on the "spines" on the back-form will display the "Edit Name" - Option 3. Double-click on the Front/Back-Form will display the Text-Editor 4. Double-click in the Text-Editor will close it 5. You can now minimize the Front/Back-Form And some minor fixes in the menu! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.4.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Drag & Drop pictures. You can now Drag & Drop your picture as you like 2. You can now set options (like Default font, mouse actions, startup file and more) 3. Added some more icons in the toolbar 4. comdlg32.ocx is now include in the installation files, since i got report that not all Runtime-File installation packs on the Internet don't have it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- New in Ver. 3.1.1 (Rich Text Ed.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Drag & Drop pictures. You can now Drag & Drop your picture as you like. 2. Rich Text Editing, you can now edit the text as in any Word Processor. 3. Align the text, you can now align the text Left/Center/Right. 4. Bullets paragraphs. 5. Select indent. 6. Word97 style toolbar. 7. You can now set options (like Default font, mouse actions, startup file and more). ------------------------------------------------------------------ New in ver. 3.1.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Fixed a bug in the save-file. 2. Fixed a bug when selected two or more font's in the text editor a error displayed when try to change the font using the menu->select font. 3. All shared files, are now installed in CD Box Labeler 98 directory to avoid version conflicts, since many people have reported that. 4. Increased the evulation period to 30-days by demand. Thank you every one who reported the bugs!