Theme Installer v1.04 (c) 1996 Jonathan Potter ** Please see the bottom of this file for history information ** 1. Introduction This is a fairly straight-forward program written more as an exercise than anything else. I've come back to Windows programming after a long absence and this is my first Win95 program. Therefore, it's fairly basic, but it seems to work ok. Theme Installer automates (to some extent) the process of installing Plus! Themes. There are hundreds of different themes available now, and all the ones I have seen need to be installed manually (copy these files to your Plus!\Themes directory, these to Windows\System, etc..) What's more, they had to be uninstalled manually too. Theme Installer reads the .theme file for the theme and works out where everything needs to go, and copies it there automatically. It also adds an Uninstall entry to the Registry. This allows you to uninstall the theme from the Add & Remove Software control panel. 2. Installation To install Theme Installer, simply copy the executable somewhere nice and safe (c:\Program Files is a good choice.) Once you have it in its permanent location, run it (from Explorer or Start/Run, etc). A message box will appear asking you if you want to install the Theme Installer Shell Extension. This simple extension adds an "Install" item to the context menu for Plus! Theme files (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ThemeFile\Shell). 3. Usage Once the Shell Extension has been installed, all you need to do to install a new theme is select the .theme file with mouse button 2 and choose the Install command from the context menu. Theme Installer automatically determines the location of your Windows and Themes directories and copies the theme files to their correct locations. Removing installed Themes is straight-forward. Open the Add & Remove Software applet in the Control Panel, find your theme in the list and click the Remove button. Once again, Theme Installer reads the .theme file to find out what to delete, so this file must still be present in the Themes directory. For safety's sake, no .DLL or .EXE files will be deleted (in case they are shared files); if a theme uses these for the screen saver, you will have to delete them manually (this is pretty rare in my experience). The Theme Installer keeps a log of the files it copies and the directories it creates, so it knows exactly what to remove. This allows a theme to use components not supplied with it itself (for example, some themes use the standard Windows or Plus! cursors). 4. Installing Startup, Shutdown screens and Fonts Theme Installer can install startup screens, shutdown screens and fonts. To do this, the theme file creator must (manually) insert a special section in the theme file. This is because the Plus! themes system does not support these files itself. This special section looks like this: [ThemeInstallerSpecial] StartupScreen= ShutdownWaitScreen= ShutdownSafeScreen= Font=%FontDir% Font=%FontDir% etc. StartupScreen, ShutdownWaitScreen and ShutdownSafeScreen are the startup and shutdown screens. You can use any filename for these screens; they will automatically be renamed to Logo.sys, LogoW.sys and LogoS.sys when they are copied. The existing startup and shutdown screens will be renamed to Logo.old, LogoW.old and LogoS.old, and will be recovered when the user uninstalls the theme. %FontDir% is a magic tag for Theme Installer that causes it to insert the path of the Windows\Fonts directory (similar to %ThemeDir% and %WinDir%). You can install as many fonts as you like (each on a separate line in the theme file). 5. Uninstalling You should not move Theme Installer once you have installed it, as the Uninstall entries it creates for themes point to this location. If you do want to remove Theme Installer, run the program again and it will allow you to remove the shell extension. You can then delete the executable. 6. Distribution Theme creators are free to distribute Theme Installer with their themes. If the program is run without a supplied filename, it will search its current directory for a .theme file to install. This means you can ship an archive with Theme Installer in the same directory as the theme files, and all the user has to do is double-click on the Installer icon. Note that if they want to be able to uninstall the theme the Theme Installer program has to be in the same location as when the theme was installed, so you might want to point this out in any documentation you supply. 7. Tips on Theme Installation Theme Installer will install most themes with no intervention from you. The .theme file (if you are viewing by icons, it has the same icon as the Desktop Themes control panel applet) MUST be in the same folder as all the theme components. Many themes are distributed this way, but some have the .theme file in one folder, and the components in sub-directory of that. If this is the case, you have to move the .theme file into the same folder as the components before installing. I've noticed that many themes are shipped with an incorrect screen saver defined. If you get an error saying a component could not be copied, you can select Ok to continue the installation, skipping over the troublesome file. Selecting cancel will remove anything installed up to this point. 8. Copyright This program is freeware, but not public domain, and is (c) 1996 by Jonathan Potter. You may do with it what you wish. Any comments, bug reports, etc, are welcome. Please email me at - Jon ----------------------------- Program history : v1.0 - initial release v1.01 (2 Aug 96) - Theme Installer now stores information about what it actually installs in the .theme file that is copied (the original is not touched). This allows it to remove only the files and directories that it created. Some themes use standard Windows or Plus! objects (eg for cursors), and v1.0 Theme Installer would have deleted these along with the theme files if you uninstalled a theme. v1.02 (20 Aug 96) - Changed the context menu command from "Install" to "&Install Theme" v1.03 (5 Sep 96) - Added [ThemeInstallerSpecial] key facility, to enable the installation of startup screens, shutdown screens and fonts. v1.04 (17 Sep 96) - If a theme component is not found when installing, a more "user-friendly" warning is shown, and it is only shown once per install. That way, if the theme author forgot to include a whole lot of components, you don't get endless anonymous errors during the installation process.