Split File Shell Extension v2.1 for Windows95 and Windows NT 4.0 Copyright (c) BERGER Laurent - November 1996/September 1997 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document is in english. Contents 1. Install/Uninstall 2. User guide 2.1. Options 2.2. Split a file 2.3. Merge a file 3. History Revision 4. Contact the author ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Install / Uninstall ---------------------- To install the program execute the split.exe program and click on the Install button. To uninstall the program choose the item 'Split File Shell Extension v2.1' on the list of the Add/Remove programs panel in the control panel and click on the Add/Remove button. 2. User guide ------------- 2.1. Options ------------ The user can select a default target directory for the split files or can use the directory of the file to split as default target directory. The files generated by Split File Shell Extension can't be merged by using the DOS command copy /b, unless the check box in the Option dialog box is checked. Warning : When this compatibility is enabled, the generated files can't be merged by Split File Shell Extension earlier than version 2.0. 2.2. Split a file ----------------- To split a file, you must choose the 'Split file' command in the contextual menu (available with a click on the right button under explorer). A window is displayed allowing to select the different options available : - You can choose the target directory for the generated files by the Split program (files with extension .spl or .sfe). To facilitate this operation you can use a hierarchical browser by clicking on the Browser button. - You can also choose the size (or number) of generated files. Four predefined size are available for a floppy drive target. - To start the splitting, click on the Start button. 2.3. Merge a file ------------------ To merge a split file, select the Open command available on the contextual menu for the split file (with extension .spl or .sfe). 3. History Revision ------------------- Version 2.1 (this version) - New extension for split files (.sfe) to avoid conflict the extension used by Shockware Active X Control. Version 2.0b - Bugs fix. Version 2.0a - Bugs fix. Version 2.0 - Support of german language, - Auto-merge file executable, - Short filename format, - New predefined size format, - Repair area, - ... Version 1.02b - Bug fix with Windows NT 4. Version 1.02a - Bug fix. Version 1.02 - Bug fix. Version 1.01 - compatibility with the DOS command copy /b, - default target directory for split files. Version 1.0a - Bug fix. Version 1.0 - First distributed version. 4. Contact the author --------------------- You can contact me : - by sending an e-mail at berger@essi.fr - by visiting my Web page at http://www.essi.fr/~berger If you mail me for a bug report, please use the following subject : 'Split File v2.1 : Bug Report'. Please use english or french (I don't speak german). You can also send me a bug report by filling the form in the Web page http://www.essi.fr/~berger