Java Directory Tree Walker Sample

(with ISAPI on MS Internet Server)


This sample, given a directory, will print out a list of the files with their attributes. It will also do the same for the subdirectories.

Click here for installation instructions.


This form will submit using the POST method

class = IDir_Walker

classpath =

directory =


This form will submit using the GET method

class = IDir_Walker

classpath =

directory =


Installation Instructions

To run this sample on your machine, you will need to install the following components:


To configure the Microsoft Internet Information Server

(this assumes that you have installed the Microsoft Internet Information Server with the default directory setups on your machine)

  1. Copy the file '%Starbuck%\system\javaisapi.dll' into your \Inetpub\scripts directory, where %Starbuck% is the directory where you installed Starbuck
  2. Copy this html file into your \Inetpub\wwwroot directory

To configure the Microsoft Personal Web Server

(this assumes that you have installed the Microsoft Personal Web Server with the default directory setups on your machine)

  1. Copy the file '%Starbuck%\system\javaisapi.dll' into your \WebShare\scripts directory
  2. Copy this html file into your \WebShare\wwwroot directory

To run this sample

  1. Start the Microsoft Internet Information Server or the Personal Web Server
  2. From your browser and type in the following URL:
  3. For the 'classpath', type in a dollar sign ($) followed immediately by the path to the class files for the 'IDir_Walker' project. The Java class files are in the \Debug directory of the project.
    For example: "$d:\starbuck20\samples\IDir_Walker\debug"
  4. For the 'directory', type in the name of the directory whose files you want to be listed
    For example: "d:\testing"
  5. Click on 'Submit' to send the contents of the form to the server