:Base artgalry.hlp>HowTo :Title Microsoft Clip Gallery 3.0 1 Adding a clip to your document 2 Adding an image to your document 3 Add an image to your document=AGAddAnImage 3 Replace one image in your document with another=AGReplaceAnImage 3 Find a specific image in the Clip Gallery=AGFindAClip 3 Make clip previews larger=AGMakeClipPreviewsLarger 2 Adding a sound clip to your document 3 Add a sound clip to your document=AGAddASoundClip 3 Replace one sound clip in your document with another=AGReplaceASoundClip 3 Find a specific sound clip in the Clip Gallery=AGFindAClip 3 Play a sound clip in the Clip Gallery=AGPlayASoundClip 2 Adding a video clip or animation to your document 3 Add a video clip or animation to your document=AGAddAVideoClip 3 Replace one video clip or animation in your document with another=AGReplaceAVideoClip 3 Find a specific video clip or animation in the Clip Gallery=AGFindAClip 3 Play a video clip or animation in the Clip Gallery=AGPlayAVideoClip 3 Make clip previews larger=AGMakeClipPreviewsLarger 1 Importing clips into the Clip Gallery 2 Import clips into the Clip Gallery=AGImportClips 2 Import clip packages into the Clip Gallery=AGImportClipPackages 2 Import clips from Clip Gallery Live into the Clip Gallery=AGImportClipsFromClipGalleryLive 1 Organizing clips in the Clip Gallery 2 Change the categories or keywords of a clip=AGChangeCategoryOrKeywords 2 Delete a clip preview=AGDeleteAClipPreview 2 Update clip previews=AGUpdateClipPreviews 2 Find a specific clip in the Clip Gallery=AGFindAClip 2 Make clip previews larger=AGMakeClipPreviewsLarger 1 Organizing Clip Gallery categories 2 Add a new Clip Gallery category=AGAddACategory 2 Delete a Clip Gallery category=AGDeleteACategory 2 Rename a Clip Gallery category=AGRenameACategory 2 Rename, delete, or add more than one Clip Gallery category at a time=AGRenameDeleteAddMultipleCategories 1 General information about the Clip Gallery 2 What is the Clip Gallery?=AGWhatIsTheClipGallery>ref 2 What's the difference between clip art and pictures?=AGWhatsTheDifference>ref 2 What is a video?=AGWhatIsAVideo>ref 2 What is a keyword?=AGWhatIsAKeyword>ref 2 What is Clip Gallery Live?=AGWhatIsClipGalleryLive>ref 2 What's the advantage of adding clips to the Clip Gallery?=AGWhatIsTheAdvantageOfAddingClips>ref 2 What is the Update feature and when should I use it?=AGWhatIsUpdate>ref 2 File formats the Clip Gallery can import=AGFileFormatsTheClipGalleryCanImport>ref 1 Troubleshooting 2 What if I can't find the clip I'm looking for?=AGWhatIfICantFindTheClip>ref 2 What if I can't add a particular image to my document?=AGWhatIfICantAddAParticularImage>ref 2 What if I can't delete or change the categories or keywords of a particular clip?=AGWhatIfICantMakeChangesToAClip>ref 2 What if I can't delete or rename a particular category?=AGWhatIfICantMakeChangesToACategory>ref 2 What if I can't play a particular sound, video clip, or animation?=AGWhatIfICantPlayAClip>ref 2 What if I change my mind about adding a clip package to the Clip Gallery?=AGWhatIfIChangeMyMind>ref 2 What if I've moved a clip file and still want the Clip Gallery to be able to find it?=AGWhatIfIveMovedAClipFile>ref 1 Information for network administrators 2 Clip Gallery databases=AGClipGalleryDatabases>ref 2 Create a shared Clip Gallery database and configure users' computers to access it=AGCreateAndConfigure 2 Merge a Clip Gallery database=AGMergeAClipGalleryDatabase 2 Maintain a user's shared Clip Gallery database configuration=AGMaintainAUsersConfiguration