control the borders

Frames aren't always the best way to lay out a page: they take a lot of memory to load and can be confusing to viewers. But recent innovations, such as the ability to control borders between frames or to eliminate them entirely, make frames a more flexible layout tool.

If you want to place borders around all the frames in a frameset, add FRAMEBORDER="1" to the <FRAMESET> tag. To make them disappear, give the FRAMEBORDER attribute a value of 0 (the default). If you'd like to control the frame borders individually, use the FRAMEBORDER attribute with the <FRAME> tag. For instance, the following code yields a frameset in which the frame on the left has a border of 3 pixels, but the middle and right frames merge seamlessly.

<FRAMESET COLS="20%,60%,20%">
<FRAME SRC="toolbar.html" FRAMEBORDER="3">
<FRAME SRC="index.html" FRAMEBORDER="0">
<FRAME SRC="other.html" FRAMEBORDER="0">
show me!

This seamless look is all the vogue these days, but be warned: large, borderless frames look best when viewed on large monitors. People with smaller monitors will see scrollbars interrupting the seamless look--which is why it's a good design idea to keep frames small and scale your content to fit within them.

Vogel Publishing s.r.o.