100 DEFAULT.VSH 101 VSHFILE 102 VShield Error 103 VShield Warning 104 To secure VShield options you must enter a password. Please enter a password before continuing. 105 The move to path specified is invalid. 106 No path where to move infected items was specified. 107 The network alert path specified could not be verified as valid. 108 No network alert path was specified. 109 No custom message was specified. 110 Activity logging was selected but no log filename was specified. 111 Unable to open the specified activity log filename. 112 Please be adviced that you have 'Delete Infected Files' option turned on. Are you sure you would like to continue scanning with this option turned on? 114 Options were not saved at your request. 115 Duplicate entry %s. 116 The extension that you specified %s is not valid. 117 Prompt user for action 118 Clean infected files automatically 119 Delete infected files automatically 120 Deny access to infected files and continue 121 \Infected 122 The quarantine folder name that you specified either does not exist or it is an invalid name. Default folder '\Infected' will be used. 123 Folder to move to 124 This option instructs VShield to clean files automatically. If VShield is unable to clean or has insufficient rights to act on the file, file access will be denied. 125 This option instructs VShield to automatically delete all infected files. If VShield has insufficient rights to delete the file, access to the file will be denied. 126 \nThis option instructs VShield to deny access to infected files. 127 Possible actions 128 Select a folder 129 Unselecting all options invokes the VShield Admin Lock, which locks the user's system upon virus detection. McAfee recommends that you use the Display Message option with this feature. 130 Minimum activity log file size should be at least 10 kilobytes. Default activity log file size will be used. 131 The specified activity log filename is not valid. Default activity log filename will be used. 132 To enable activity logging some log events must be enabled. 133 Activity Log Filename 134 Text files ( *.Txt )|*.TXT|All files ( *.* )|*.*| 135 VSHLog.TXT 136 Yes 137 No 138 File 139 Boot 140 There is already an identical entry in the exclusion list. Please change the existing entry. 141 Please choose to exclude the item from file or boot record scanning. 142 Scan items and file extensions to scan 143 Action that is taken on infected items 144 Alerting that is done on infected items 145 Activity log reporting of infected items 146 Excluded items from virus scanning 147 If you would like to disable password protection, simply unlock all protected items in the password protection dialog box. 148 Invalid password entered. 149 The password entered are not identical. Please re enter. 150 The configuration file %s that was specified on the command line could not be found. 151 Default configuration file was not found. A new file\nwas created in the folder where the product was installed. 152 An internal error occured. Please reinstall VirusScan for Windows 3.1 153 EXE COM DO? XL? 154 Unable to find the specified activity log file. 155 Move infected files automatically 156 VShield Configuration 157 VShield will not automatically load the next time you restart your computer.\nWould you like to unload it now? 158 VShield will be loaded automatically the next time you restart your computer.\nWould you like to load it now? 159 VSHWIN32.EXE 160 VShield Configuration Manager 161 Unable to find McAfee VShield. Please reinstall the product. 162 The centralized alert directory that you specified does not appear to be valid. Please refer to the documentation on how to set up centralized alerting. 163 centalrt.txt 164 AVCONSOL.INI 165 You do not have the Stop or the Continue button enabled. In case an operation on an infected file fails, you will not be able to continue. 166 Add Exclude Item 167 Edit Exclude Item