NOVELL REPLICATION SERVICES VERSION 1.0 RELEASE NOTES ++++++++++++++ IMPORTANT +++++++++++++++++++ + + + Audience : Network Administrators + + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 2 LICENCE FOR USE 3 PLANNING FOR INSTALLATION - SERVER REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Software and Protocols 3.2 Disk Space and Memory 3.3 Running Novell Replication Services from NetWare 4.10 4 UPGRADING FROM A PREVIOUS RELEASE 5 DOWNLOADING NOVELL REPLICATION SERVICES FROM THE WEB 6 INSTALLING AND RUNNING NOVELL REPLICATION SERVICES 7 INSTALLING AND ACCESSING THE ONLINE DOCUMENTATION 7.1 DynaText Viewer option 7.2 Localized Versions 8 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 8.1 Installation and CLIB 8.2 Disk Space and Memory (erratum to on-line Guide) 8.3 Renaming Volumes 8.4 Maximum Services Processes 8.5 Administering Novell Replication Services from an NT Client 9 SUPPORT and FAQ (FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS) 1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of these release notes is to: * Inform you how long you may continue to use this release of Novell Replication Services * Provide information on planning for, installing and running Novell Replication Services * Provide critical information supplementary to the formal documentation set 2 LICENCE FOR USE This is a trial version of Novell Replication Services and it is released to allow you to access the software and use it freely for a limited period. The LICENCE FOR THIS TRIAL VERSION WILL EXPIRE ON December 31, 1997, and after this date you will be unable to use this release of this product. If you know you are going to be using this version of Novell Replication Services in the production environment on or after this expiration date, you should upgrade to the fully licensed version of the product before the expiration date. For information on the fully licenced version of Novell Replication Services, with details of licensing, purchase, and discounted purchase procedures, see 3 PLANNING FOR INSTALLATION - SERVER REQUIREMENTS Each server to which or from which you want to replicate data must be configured as follows before you install Novell Replication Services on that server. 3.1 Software and Protocols The server must already be running the following: IntranetWare (or NetWare 4.10 and above) Modular CLIB Version 4.11h and onwards are recommended. You can download a version (LIBUPD) from The server must also be part of the same Novell Directory Services (NDS) tree as the other servers to which or from which file system objects are to be replicated. This restriction exists to allow security across the entire network of master and replica servers. Because all servers are part of the same tree, NDS can authenticate access and prevent unauthorized actions to replicated file system objects using the same Access Control Lists on every server. Servers running Novell Replication Services can be connected by any transport protocol currently supported by the NetWare operating system. 3.2 Disk Space and Memory Novell Replication Services requires the following: Disk space a) 2 MB of space in volume SYS: for each 1,000 replicated file system objects. b) Adequate space on the replica file servers for the contents of files being replicated. Memory a) 2 MB of available memory on every server. Master servers require approximately 1 MB of additional memory, compared with replica servers, to allow for simultaneous synchronization. b) 1 KB for each object in the single largest directory, but not including objects in descendants of that directory. 3.3 Running Novell Replication Services from NetWare 4.10 If you are planning to run Novell Replication Services from NetWare 4.10, be mindful of the following. a) You are advised to install the most recent version the NetWare Administrator utility. You can download the appropriate patch from b) We STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you use dedicated replication servers. This will avoid any situations in which performance of older applications might be impaired because of incompatibility with the CLIB version recommended for Novell Replication Services. 4 UPGRADING FROM A PREVIOUS RELEASE Perform the following steps if you are upgrading from any Beta or EAR version of Novell Replication Services. i) Remove any line in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file that sets a search path to a directory that used to contain Novell Replication Services. It could look like this "SEARCH ADD SYS:SYSTEM\NRS". ii) To reduce disk usage on the server, remove the old Novell Replication Services files by deleting the directory that they were stored in. This is most easily done from the Explorer (Windows 95) or File Manager (Windows 3.x). If the files were stored in the SYS:SYSTEM directory, then they will be overwritten during any future installation. 5 DOWNLOADING NOVELL REPLICATION SERVICES FROM THE WEB The following steps provide the recommended procedure for downloading the Novell Replication Services software from the Novell Web page. i) Create a working directory on your computer, for example . ii) Locate the Web page where you found this README file. iii) Click on Download nrsv1.exe. iv) Select . v) Run nrsv1.exe to expand component files. vi) Copy to volume SYS: on the server where you intend to install Novell Replication Services. You are now ready to install Novell Replication Services. 6 INSTALLING AND RUNNING NOVELL REPLICATION SERVICES Instructions for installing and running Novell Replication Services are provided in Chapter 3 of the " Novell Replication Services Administrator's Guide." However, we recommend that you consult the entire Guide in some detail before installing Novell Replication Services and planning its use within your organisation. Section 7 below tells you how to access the online version of the "Novell Replication Services Administrator's Guide." Information is also available from the Help file (NRSADMIN.HLP). This is installed at: for Windows 95 SYS:PUBLIC\WIN95\NLS\ENGLISH\NRSADMIN.HLP for Windows 3.x SYS:PUBLIC\NLS\ENGLISH\NRSADMIN.HLP You will find that there is some overlap of material between the contents of the Guide and Help. As a general rule, however, you are advised to a) Use the Guide for planning and reference b) Use Help for operational issues. 7 INSTALLING AND ACCESSING THE ONLINE DOCUMENTATION 7.1 DYNATEXT VIEWER OPTION The "Administrator's Guide to Novell Replication Services" is in DynaText form. You have the choice of downloading either: a) The Guide only (if you already have a viewer); or b) The Guide, and a DynaText viewer. You will find the online Guide under the Web page entry entitled "Novell Replication Services v1.0 Dynatext Manuals." 7.2 LOCALIZED VERSIONS The "Administrator's Guide to Novell Replication Services" is available in the following localized versions: French German Italian Portuguese Spanish. However, the localized versions do not incorporate a DynaText Viewer. If you require a localized version and a DynaText Viewer, you should: a) Download the localized version required b) Download the English version with Viewer, to obtain the viewer. You can then discard the English version of the Guide. 8 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION The following specific points supplement documentation provided in the "Administrator's Guide to Novell Replication Services" and Help. 8.1 INSTALLATION AND CLIB The software provided for Novell Replication Services Version 1.0 DOES NOT include any version of CLIB (see 3.1 Software and Protocols above). 8.2 DISK SPACE AND MEMORY For disk space and memory requirements for servers, see section 3.2 of this README file and DO NOT refer to the section headed 'Server Requirements' in the "Novell Replication Services Administrator's Guide." 8.3 RENAMING VOLUMES Once you have finalized your replication set, you must not subsequently rename any volume on any master or replica server within the replication set. 8.4 'MAXIMUM SERVICE PROCESSES' The setting for 'Maximum Service Processes' for a master or link server (which is set through SERVMAN under 'Miscellaneous') should be a value at least three times the number of replica servers. A default IntranetWare(tm) installation will therefore support 16 simultaneously synchronizing replicas. 8.5 ADMINISTERING NOVELL REPLICATION SERVICES FROM A WINDOWS NT CLIENT Since the Windows 95 version of NetWare Administrator is not generally supported on a Windows NT client, we do not recommend that you attempt to administer Novell Replication Services from a Windows NT client. 9 SUPPORT and FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) For technical support and technical information, see This URL will also give you access to the FAQ, a Technical Information Document providing answers to questions frequently asked about Novell Replication Services. Copyright (C) 1996-7 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Patents Pending.