3Com Corporation Network Drivers Installation Notes WINDOWS FOR WORKGROUPS v3.11 AND MICROSOFT WINDOWS NETWORKING This document describes how to configure the LAN PC card for use with Windows for Workgroups v3.11 and Microsoft Windows Networking. These procedures are also described in the EtherLink III LAN PC Card User Guide. This file also describes how to install the 3C589D PC Card under WFW 3.11 to allow simultaneous NetWare and Microsoft Server Connectivity. If you are going to install the Novell NetWare client in addition to the Microsoft Windows networking client, you must install the Novell NetWare client first. Microsoft Windows for Workgroups (WFW) v3.11 does not include internal support for the Plug and Play standard. Since NDIS 3.1 (32 BIT) Drivers operate only in Plug and Play environments, you cannot operate the LAN PC card with the included 32-bit driver. To ensure support for Windows for Workgroups v3.11, 3Com includes a 16-bit NDIS 2.0 driver. This driver offers full support for Windows for Workgroups, but may affect system performance. To resolve this deficiency with Windows for Workgroups 3.11, you may want to upgrade your operating system to Windows 95. Check with your MIS department or system manager before doing this. NOTE: The following instructions assume you have not installed any other network adapter in the machine. If networking has already been installed, some of the instructions will not apply or appear accurate. Consult with your MIS department for further instructions. Before installing the network driver, you should gather the following information and have it handy for supplying information to the setup dialog boxes: - Transport used in the Microsoft Windows Network (typically IPX/SPX) - The Frame type used by the Microsoft Windows Network (typically 802.3) - Name of the NT Server domain or Windows 95/WFW 3.11 Workgroup to which you belong. - The latest versions of the Card and Socket Services installed on your machine. Check with your PC manufacturer if you are not sure. You will need to have the following software components accessible and ready to use: - Windows for Workgroups v3.11 installation files (either on hard disk, floppy diskettes, or CD) - The EtherDisk diskette that came with your LAN PC card Installing a New Client 1. From Windows, open the Network group. Double click on the Network Setup icon to open the Network Setup dialog box. If networking has not been installed, you will see nothing in the network drivers window. If it looks like networking has been installed, ignore this procedure and use Installing an Additional Client, below. 2. Click on the Networks icon to open the Networks dialog box. At the left edge of the dialog box, you will see three radio buttons, describing the type of network support that Windows offers. If you see the name of another network client listed on the bottom of this window, see Installing an Additional Client, below. 3. Select Install Microsoft Windows Network and click OK. 4. Click Drivers to open the Network Drivers dialog box. 5. Click Add Adapter to display a list of possible choices for adapter. Select Unlisted or Updated Network Adapter and click OK. 6. At the Install Driver prompt, insert the EtherDisk in the floppy drive and click OK. Select the 3Com 3C589D EtherLink III LAN PC Card and click OK. You will see the following added to the list of network drivers: 3Com EtherLink III LAN PC Card adapter [NDIS2] 7. Click CLOSE. When the Network Setup Dialog box reopens, it will show the 3C589D card in the Network Drivers window. Click OK. 8. Supply the information requested in the Microsoft Windows Network Names dialog box. Your MIS department or network manager should be able to supply the information you need. When the information is complete, click OK. 9. The installer will request various disks for installation. When finished, you will be asked to reboot the system. You will have network access when the system restarts. Refer to your Windows Manual for instructions on using Microsoft Windows Networking. Installing an Additional Client If there is NetWare (ODI) or other client already installed on your system, follow this procedure: 1. From Windows, open the Network group. Double click on the Network Setup icon to open the Network Setup dialog box. 2. Write down the name of the client listed on the last line of the Networks dialog box. (You will need this name later.) 3. Click Install Microsoft Windows Network. At the bottom of the small window under the selection that you just made, you will see other selections. Click Other. 4. Find the name of the client you noted in Step 2, select it, and click OK. 5. Click Drivers to open the Network Drivers dialog box. 6. Click Add Adapter to display a list of possible choices for adapter. Select Unlisted or Updated Network Adapter and click OK. 7. At the Install Driver prompt, insert the EtherDisk in the floppy drive and click OK. Select the 3Com 3C589D EtherLink III LAN PC Card and click OK. You will see the following added to the list of network drivers: 3Com 3C589D EtherLink III LAN PC Card adapter [NDIS2] 8. Click CLOSE. When the Network Setup Dialog box reopens, it will show the 3C589D card in the Network Drivers window. Click OK. 9. A Windows Setup dialogue box will open to alert you to the presence of files for the existing client. Select No if you want to maintain your access to the other network. Windows may ask this question several times, depending on how many references to the previous network it finds. Select No each time. 10. The installer will request various disks for installation. When finished, you will be asked to reboot the system. You will have network access when the system restarts. Refer to your Windows Manual for instructions on using Microsoft Windows Networking. 3C589D Installation under WFW 3.11 to Allow Simultaneous NetWare and Microsoft Server Connectivity 1. Install the 3C589D PC Card and connect it to the network as described in Chapter 2. 2. Boot the PC to DOS without loading Windows for Workgroups. 3. Place the Novell VLM client disk #1 in the floppy drive and type A:INSTALL [Enter]. 4. Verify that the information on each line is correct. 5. In the Driver Selection box, press [Enter] to display the list of supported drivers. 6. At the bottom of the list, select "Other Drivers" and press [Enter]. 7. When prompted for a driver disk, put the EtherDisk in the floppy drive and hit [Enter]. 8. Select "3Com EtherLink III LAN PC Card Adapter" from the displayed list and press [Enter]. 9. Select the frame type by pressing [Enter] and choosing the appropriate type from the list. 10. After the selection is made, press [Enter] again. 11. Press [F10] to return to the main installation screen. 12. To install the driver, select line 6 from this screen and press [Enter]. Follow the instructions. 13. When the installer finishes, press [Enter]. 14. Reboot the system and verify the NetWare server can be logged into. 15. Load Windows for Workgroups. 16. Double-click on the "Network" program group from the desktop. 17. Double-click on "Network Setup". 18. Click on the "Networks" button. 19. Select the second bullet "Install Microsoft Windows Network", and then click OK. 20. Click on the "Drivers" button. 21. Click on "Add Adapter". 22. Select "Unlisted or Updated Network Adapter" and click OK. 23. Insert the EtherDisk in the A: drive, and then click OK for the path A:\. 24. Click OK for the Network Adapter "3Com 3C589 EtherLink III PC Card". 25. On the Network Drivers screen, highlight "3Com 3C589 EtherLink III PC Card" and click "Setup...". 26. In the "Driver Type" box, click on the down arrow, select "ODI Driver", and click OK. 27. The line 3Com 3C589 EtherLink III PC Card should now show "[ODI/NDIS3]" at the end of it. Additionally, "IPX/SPX Compatible Transport with NetBIOS" should be present underneath this line. 28. On the Network Drivers screen, click Cancel. 29. Click OK to save these settings. 30. Feed diskettes as prompted and then reboot the PC. (%VER WFWNDIS2.TXT v1.0b)