Company profile

AEC is a leading provider and developer of computer security software, and has accumulated 6 years of expertise in providing software solutions which address today's needs in computer security. This expertise gives AEC a competitive advantage in a field which has recently attracted much attention from both the press and other software houses now wishing to enter the market for computer security products.

The company's philosophy is simple - to provide comprehensive security solutions to customers at very reasonable prices. AEC also places great emphasis on the quality of its technical support. This technical support is complimented by training programs provided by AEC to both sales partners and customers.

AEC products extensively use the latest in encryption, access control, and virus blocker technologies to offer both organisations and individual users alike sophisticated levels of security.

AEC products fall into three categories as follows:

1. IronWare Encryption contains both online and offline encryption products for securing confidential and sensitive data.

2. IronWare Communication represents a comprehensive collection of communication programs for securely transmitting and transferring data by email, modem, and use of the FTP protocol.

3. IronWare protection is represented by IronWall, AEC's most comprehensive data protection product which offers a sophisticated mixture of encryption, access control, and virus blocker technologies.

All three of these IronWare product groups come with a free copy of IronBin, a program for securely erasing data files and hence ensures that your confidential data cannot later be restored by the use of data recovery programs.

Symmetric algorithms used in AEC products are DES, 3DES, IDEA, and BLOWFISH.

Assymetric algorithms used in AEC products are represented by ELLIPT and RSA.

Leading AEC technology is represented by the ELLIPT algorithm, an elliptic curve encryption system. ELLIPT is a public key exchange algorithm which is both considerably faster and more secure than RSA. The complexity of the mathematics used by ELLIPT gives AEC good reason to be proud of the fact that ELLIPT has been successfully implemented into AEC software products.

Please feel free to download demo versions of our products from our web page. If you wish to purchase our products please see our sales information section.

AEC is looking for OEM partners and distributors for its IronWare range of products worldwide, so if you work in the industry you are very welcome to contact us and explore how we could help each other to help others address their computer security needs.

Contact addresses

AEC spol. s r.o - BRNO

Bayerova 30
602 00 BRNO
Czech Republic

tel.:+420 5 4123 5466-7
fax :+420 5 4123 5038
BBS :+420 5 4123 5228-29

AEC spol. s r.o - PRAHA

Moskevskß 63
101 00 PRAHA 10
Czech Republic

tel.:+420 2 6731 1402
fax :+420 2 6731 4326

AEC spol. s r.o - OSTRAVA

28. °φjna 168
709 01 OSTRAVA
Czech Republic

tel.:+420 69 6625 206
fax :+420 69 6627 697

AEC BRATISLAVA spol. s r.o

POB 79, Pribinova 25
Slovak Republic

tel.:+421 7 5633 027
fax :+421 7 5633 029
BBS :+421 7 5633 023

Technical support ( - HotLine: +420-(0)5-4123 5468
Sales department (
General information (